CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme



Canadian Institute for Jewish Research’s




(Chair: Prof. Frederick Krantz, Director, CIJR)




(Congregation Chevra Kadisha, Montreal)


Click here to view the Conference FLYER


The delegitimation of Israel is a key weapon in the ongoing pro-Palestinian struggle against the democratic Jewish state. It is occurring in Europe, at the UN, on and off campuses in North America, and in Israel itself.


Bankrolled by Saudi Arabian and other Arab sources, West European governments, and various church and NGO groups and foundations, the campaign is effected by anti-Israel NGOs, “post”- and “anti-Zionist” academics and left-wing student groups (including self-professedly “Jewish” students).


It employs BDS (“Boycott, Divest, Sanction”) activities, pro-Palestinian agitation at the UN (Human Rights Council, General Assembly), “Israeli Apartheid Week” and anti-Israel speakers and conferences on campuses, the “free Gaza ” flotilla campaigns, anti-semitic websites, and so on.


The hallmark of this propaganda campaign is its inverted use of traditional human rights, free speech, and democratic-liberal language and values, as well as the misrepresentation of Holocaust memory and historical truth generally. Its overarching goal is political: to achieve, or to aid in, the destruction of Israel–by first isolating the Jewish state and weakening world support for it (not least within Diaspora Jewish communities), and then by representing it as illegitimate, oppressive, morally indefensible, and unworthy of the “international community”’s support.


The Canadian Institute for Jewish Research’s November 6, 2011 International Conference on “Combatting the Delegitimation of Israel” will bring together an outstanding group of international scholars and specialists to carefully discuss this key front in the ongoing war against Israel . A series of morning panels will analyze the basic aspects of the international campaign, while the afternoon sessions will examine and develop strategies, and relevant tactics, for combatting and ultimately defeating it.



Confirmed participants include:

Daniel Pipes (Hoover Institution/MEF)

-Efraim Karsh (U. London/Middle East Forum)

-Catherine Chatterley (U. Manitoba)

-Barbara Kay (National Post)

-Richard Landes (Boston U./Paliwood)

-Mordechai Nisan (Hebrew U.)

-Asaf Romirowsky (Middle East Forum)

-Charles Small (New Haven)

-Sally Zerker (York U.)


Panel chairs include:

CIJR Chairman Joseph Shier (Toronto); CIJR Fellows Julien Bauer (l’Université du Québec à Montréal), David Pariser (Concordia U.), Ira Robinson (Concordia U.), and Hal Waller (McGill U.).


Conference Program


9:00 Conference Opens:


Welcome: R. Asher Jacobson (Chevra Kadisha); rep. of Israel Consulate-General.

Introduction, Prof. Frederick Krantz (Director, CIJR).


A.M. Panels: Analyzing “Delegitimation” (9:00 a.m.-12:00)


First Panel (Chair: Prof. Julien Bauer, l’Universitè du Québec à Montréal)

1) Paper: Europe. Great Britain

2) Paper: Israel

3) Paper: North America; Campuses

Question and Answer Period


10:30 Coffee Break


Second Panel (Chair: Prof. Harold Waller, CIJR/McGill U.)

4) Paper: UN/NGOs 

5) Paper: Israel/USA

6) Paper: Antisemitism and Holocaust Revisionism

Question and Answer Period


12:15 Lunch: Chair: Joseph Shier (Chairman, CIJR)

Award Presentation: Owners of Le Marcheur Shoes (Montreal) (for courageous resistance to pro-Palestinian boycott demonstrators: Le Marcheur sells Israeli-made shoes)


Keynote Address:  Daniel Pipes


P.M. Panel: Combatting Delegitimation (1:30-3:30 p.m.)


Third Panel (Chair: David Pariser)

7) Paper: Antisemitism 

8) Paper: Cultural-Ideological

9) Paper: Political/Diplomatic

Question and Answer Period


2:45 Coffee Break


Concluding Reflections (Chair: Ira Robinson)

1) Panel Chairs/Panelists Round-Table (Chair, Efraim Karsh)  

2) Concluding Conference Themes Review (F. Krantz)



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Tel: (514) 486-5544; Email:


Congregation Chevra Kadisha
Middle East Forum

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