Thursday, September 5, 2024
Thursday, September 5, 2024
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CIJR Montreal Gala 2018

For More photos please click the link at the bottom of the this page, to view the complete album of the CIJR 2018 Gala.

    Left to Right:  Prof. Frederick Krantz- Director CIJR, Rotem Segev – Israeli Deputy Consul General, Keynote Speakers: Elliot Abrams, General Moshie Yaalon, MNA David Birnbaum, Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, Jack Kincler-CIJR National Board Chairman

Prof. Frederick Krantz, Director of Canadian Institute for Jewish Research.

Left to right:  Prof. Frederick Krantz, director CIJR; Jack Kincler, National Chairman CIJR, Jack Sofer (IDF veteran 1960-63)) General Moshe Yaalon; Mike Yuval (IDF veteran 1960 – 63)); Dr. William Novick (IDF veteran – 1948) and Assaf Drori (IDF veteran – 1972 – 76)

Left to right: Julie Klein,Carole and Herbert Feifer, Pamela Feifer , Daniel Levine

  Left to right:  Prof. Frederick Krantz- Director CIJR, Elliott Abrams,Aaron Remer, Jack Kincler- National Chairman CIJR

      Left to right:  Dr. William Billick, General Moishe Yaalon,Carole and Herbert Feifer.

Jack Kincler: National Chairman CIJR

Rabbi Kook – Founder of generations of Israel, Maayan, Dida Brku

Generations of Israel Students

Attendees enjoying Dinner following Gala Ceremony

Dr. William Novick, Recipient of the Certificate of Honor

Generations of Israel Presentation.

Rotem Segev – Israeli Deputy Consul General

Lenore Krantz, Ori Bauer & Daughter

Yosef ,Ira,& Sandra Robinson


Bill Drori & wife, Helen Hakak

Couple representing Generations of Israel

Dr Mark Rabinovitch , Dida Berku, Julius Suss, Mitchell Brownstein

For those interested in Additional Photos please follow the link :




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