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Biden’s Wealthy and Clueless White House

White House DC.JPG - Wikimedia Commons
White House DC.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

Rowan Scarborough

Washington Times, July 11, 2022

“Between roles in the Obama and Biden administrations, Antony Blinken co-founded a D.C. advisory business––and made a small fortune.”

How does President Joe Biden, with pride, call oppressive gasoline prices “an incredible transition?” The same way his millionaire energy secretary tells hard-pressed Americans to solve their financial problems by buying a $60,000 electric car.

This White House is inhabited by revolving door careerists who got rich through decades of moving into a plum federal job, then out to a law firm/PR/lobbyist/consultant––and then back in again to burnish the resume. It’s called losing touch with middle America and everyday hardships.

Former President Donald Trump called Washington “The Swamp.” I call it a financial fantasyland unprecedented in American annals. There is no U.S. destination––not Wall Street, not Silicon Valley––where you can easily broker government work into a fortune, almost in an instant. You don’t need a revolutionary tech idea or financial skills or the next great assembling line. You just need to know how to manipulate the federal complex you just exited.  

Let’s look at Ron Klain. As Mr. Biden’s chief of staff, he oversees all the ideas and policies emerging from the White House’s various woke factory workers who prefer windmills to life-giving fossil fuels, illegal immigrants to American citizens and “birthing people” to mothers.

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