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Biden’s ‘Two-State Solution’ To Reward Palestinian Terrorism, Destroy Israel

Wikinews tag terrorism-WIKIPEDIA
Wikinews tag terrorism-WIKIPEDIA

Bassam Tawil
Gatestone Institute, Feb. 5, 2024

“This turnabout in US and British policy aims to create facts on the ground by establishing a terrorist genocidal Arab state on Israel’s doorstep, on either side of Israel, and encourage the Palestinians not to resume peace negotiations with Israel.”

In the span of two days, both the US administration and the British government came out with similar statements that they are considering recognizing a Palestinian state. The statements send a message to the Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group and other Palestinians that the Americans and British want to give them a prize for the October 7 attack on Israel in which 1,200 Israelis were murdered, decapitated, raped, tortured and burned alive.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has asked the State Department to conduct a review and present policy options on possible US and international recognition of a Palestinian state after the current Israel-Hamas war, the American Axios media outlet reported on January 31. According to the report:

“The Biden administration is linking possible normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia to the creation of a pathway for the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of its post-war strategy. This initiative is based on the administration’s efforts prior to Oct. 7 to negotiate a mega-deal with Saudi Arabia that included a peace agreement between the kingdom and Israel.”


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