CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Biden isn’t actually pressuring Merrick Garland? You’re Joe-king

Merrick Garland - Wikipedia
Wikipedia Merrick Garland - Wikipedia

Imagine that President Biden summoned Attorney General Merrick Garland to the White House and told him the following: My son Hunter did nothing wrong and Donald Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Now get to work. 

Washington would explode amid charges Biden was corrupting the Department of Justice to protect his son and prosecute his political rival. Even Democrats who are hoping for those outcomes would be embarrassed the president was so straightforward in giving Garland marching orders. 

In fact, Biden didn’t actually summon Garland and say those things directly. Instead, he publicly expressed exactly the same two points through his staff and the media. 

No meeting was needed for Garland to get the message as the president made it clear where he stands on pending cases. 

In doing so, Biden breached his promised independence of Justice in a round-about fashion by having others reveal his thinking. Yet nary a peep of protest is heard. Imagine if Trump …



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