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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Biden is Letting Putin Run the Iran Nuclear Talks

Iran nuclear negotiations 12.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Iran nuclear negotiations 12.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Michael Goodwin

NY Post, Mar. 12, 2022

“It starts with a strange, little-known fact: Russia is acting as a go-between for the United States in nuclear talks with Iran.”

Some stories make so little sense that all you can do is scratch your head. Others are so infuriating that you want to pull your hair out. Then there are those that are so outrageous your head feels as if it will explode.

This story provokes all three reactions.

It starts with a strange, little-known fact: Russia is acting as a go-between for the United States in nuclear talks with Iran.

When I first read that, I thought it couldn’t possibly be true. With Russia then massing troops on the Ukraine border, I assumed that even the Biden White House couldn’t be foolish enough to trust Vladimir Putin to do anything in good faith or certainly anything in America’s interest.

To view the original article, click here

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