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Biden Bribery Wheeze is like the Russia Collusion Delusion

Joe Biden (48651173382).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Roger Kimball
American Greatness, July 2, 2023

“The point is that, despite the abundance of commentary, this story to date is burdened with too much stasis to have achieved the status of “unfolding.””
Like many of my acquaintances, I feel alternately despondent and outraged by the unfolding story of the Bidens’ Excellent Bribery Adventure.  

The despondency comes from the bitter recognition that, notwithstanding the veritable tsunami of commentary that has accompanied the story—a tsunami to which I have contributed myself—we are probably months if not years from getting to the bottom of this fish pond. After all, it’s alleged that Hunter Biden and his enablers set up a complex series of shell companies—at least 20 of them by some counts—that will make following the money a forensic nightmare. Remember, the Big Guy himself, challenged about the allegations by a reporter, scoffed, “So where’s the money?” Good luck tracing it. 

Adding to the despondency is the likelihood that, if and when we do get the whole story, it will be too late. Now, at long last, we know, as well as any contingent historical event can be known, what happened with the Russia Collusion Hoax. There was no collusion, at least not involving Donald Trump. Nope. The whole $40 million, multi-season entertainment starring Robert Mueller was a complete fabrication thought up, organized, and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and approved in the Oval Office by B. Obama himself.  

We know that now, but it doesn’t matter. Old news. “What difference at this point does it make?” At the moment, we are floundering around in that stygian darkness that Hegel deplored in the Phenomenology when he alluded to Schelling’s philosophy as an undifferentiated “night in which all cows are black.” Hegel was right about Schelling, too, which is not to say that his own contribution to human wisdom added much to the sum total of articulate clarity.
… [To read the full article, click here]

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