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BDS at Harvard

Jew-Free Investing - Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS), Latest News on BDS - SPME Scholars for Peace in the Middle East
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Jew-Free Investing - Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS), Latest News on BDS - SPME Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Licence details Creator: Montecruz Foto Copyright: Montecuz Foto

J.J. Kimche and Angelique Talmor

City Journal, July 6, 2022

“That Harvard students are absorbing and endorsing BDS attitudes raises central questions about their educational experience.”

Harvard University provides its students with unparalleled knowledge, skills, and experiences. Yet, as we Jewish students have witnessed, the routine vilification of the State of Israel—both inside and outside the classroom—indicates that something in the contemporary Harvard education has gone seriously awry. In the latest example of this trend, the editorial board of the Harvard Crimson endorsed the movement to boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS) the Jewish state in an April 29 editorial. BDS represents the economic arm of a global effort—spearheaded militarily by Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran—to destroy the Jewish state.

That a majority of the Crimson’s 87-member editorial board believes this movement to be part of the global struggle for social justice has significance both for Harvard and American society more broadly. The hostility toward Israel that has permeated our campus—which often involves the endorsement of anti-Semitic attitudes, assumptions, and activities—is symptomatic of larger trends: a retreat from robust critical thinking and a surrender to the most hysterical, least rigorous elements of campus activism. Such trends at Harvard are regrettable not merely because BDS is fundamentally anti-Semitic but also because its advocacy rests upon several falsehoods. The most pernicious is the idea that Jews don’t belong in Israel, that their presence constitutes an act of colonialism against the native Palestinian population. Such a position betrays an often-contrived ignorance of the millennia-long connection between the land of Israel and the Jewish people. It is also a denial of the right of self-defense for history’s most persecuted minority.

Yet this view has become de rigueur in a contemporary Harvard education. The Chan School of Public Health hosts courses such as “The Settler Colonial Determinants of Health,” which focuses on demonstrating how Israel’s “settler colonial” society undermines the health of “indigenous people.”

J.J. Kimche is a Ph.D. student in Harvard’s department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. Angélique Talmor is an MPP Student in Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

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