CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme






ROSH HASHANAH 5778 – 2017: SOUNDING THE SHOFAR                                                                     


Loving Memory of Malca z”l


The sounding of the shofar is a symbol of the New Year, of renewal, and of unending hope for peace, love, and better world for all.


The blast of the shofar reminds us of our mighty and proud Israel Defensive Forces, and of their acts of heroism in Israel’s wars.  It also reminds us of the ethical and just values of the mighty and proud people of Israel, their heroism, and their love for peace and hope for the ultimate, harmonious gathering of all peoples.


Judaism regards the period between Rosh Hashanah (the New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) as days of celebration, creation, renewal, and a new beginning, for each individual and for Am Israel, The Jewish People.  The sound of the shofar is a call for peace.

Tsedek, tsedek, tirdorf: justice, justice shall you pursue!


Happy New Year to all of CIJR’s family, friends, and supporters. May it be a year of peace for Israel, the Middle East, and for the entire world!

Shana Tova U’Metuka: a sweet New Year for us all.


(Baruch Cohen, 97, has been CIJR’s Research Chairman for thirty years)

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