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America Must Counter Putin’s Nuclear Threat Proactively, Not Reactively

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Michael R. Pompeo

Hudson Institute, Oct. 3, 2022


“If Mr. Putin should employ a nuclear weapon, Taiwan will be next, and Iran will be animated to attack Israel with nuclear-armed missiles.”

America and NATO must seek a decisive victory for Ukraine. Victory must be attained quickly on Ukraine’s terms. Only this will save lives. It is a profound error to attempt to accommodate Russia. No such strategies should be put forward.

Pursuing half measures will result in more bloodshed, not less. Without highly sophisticated weapons, Ukraine will not regain all of its stolen territory, and its army and its air force may ultimately falter, for lack of equipment.

The war can be won if America and the West supply our most capable conventional weapons to Kyiv. Those who argue against such transfers often cite the threat posed by Russia’s nuclear weapons. Recently, Colin H. Kahl, President Biden’s undersecretary of defense for policy, said, “Ukraine’s success on the battlefield could cause Russia to feel backed into a corner, and that is something we must remain mindful of.” This is exactly the opposite of what should be stated. … SOURCE


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