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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Allowing Protests to Escalate Unchecked Risks Creating a New Normal in Canada

Palestine Demonstration in Montreal | Demonstration/protest … | Flickr
Palestine Demonstration in Montreal | Demonstration/protest … | Flickr

Howard Levitt
Financial Post, Mar. 8, 2024

“Our criminal code already prevents demonstrators from donning masks to conceal their identities when the demonstration causes others to reasonably believe that the peace will be disturbed, as it was in all of these instances, and they could be arrested too, if there was only the will to do so from the politicians and police.”

The mobs increasingly filling our public spaces are teaching Jews to be afraid and defensive, antisemites that their aggression will go unchecked and the rest of Canadians to accept this state of affairs as the new normal. And they are succeeding. But they should not be, as popular sentiment increasingly has turned against them as they wreak havoc on their victims and our collective sensibilities.

Just this past Saturday, a motley crew of pro-Palestinian protesters forced the cancellation of a gala dinner for Justin Trudeau and Italian President Giorgia Meloni at the Art Gallery of Ontario, calling for “revolution” and reportedly hurling projectiles at a federal cabinet minister. What kind of country permits this?

[To read the full article, click here]

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