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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Al-Quds Day, the Annual Hate Fest Against Jews, Must Be Stopped

stop sign -Canva image
stop sign -Canva image

Avi Benlolo

National Post, Apr. 22, 2022

“If you believe this is an internal tribal squabble between two rival ethnic groups, you are missing the radicalization taking place in our country.”

Iran’s fingerprints are on much that counters our prevailing values in this country. This week, a groundswell of voices from Canada and around the world joined The Abraham Global Peace Initiative in calling on Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Toronto Mayor John Tory to stop the hateful and antisemitic Iranian-backed “Al-Quds Day.”

We will hear condemnations from our leaders to appease the Jewish community — especially in an election year. But ultimately this annual hate fest against Jewish people will continue despite the fact our provincial and federal governments are investing millions of dollars to combat antisemitism. Antisemitism at Al-Quds Day events and on our university campuses is not being addressed in law and public policy. Instead, money is being thrown back at the very community that is being attacked, for it to mount a counter-offensive alone. This is equivalent to asking assault victims to stand up for themselves.

Avi Abraham Benlolo is the Founder and Chairman of The Abraham Global Peace Initiative.

To view the original article, click here

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