CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

“White-supremacy & BDS: Exposing Anti-Semitism in America“ – A New Documentary By Martin Himel (June 6, 2019)

Martin Himel is a Television director, producer and senior correspondent. Through his two production companies – Elsash Productions Ltd. and Vigilance Productions Inc. he has produced major television series, ground-breaking documentaries and news coverage for major American, Canadian and European broadcasters. His recent documentaries have investigated such topics as the alliance between radical Islamic terror militias and organized crime or Israel’s UNIT 8200, the world’s top cyber hackers and defenders. His new documentary “White-supremacy & BDS: Exposing Anti-Semitism in America“ investigates the resurgence of Anti-Semitism in the US.


$10/person at the door or online

Please register with Helene Jacobs Phone: 416-633-5500 ext.28, –

To support Martin’s vital work: PayPal.Me/himel1

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