CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

EVENT: Enough is Enough: How You Can Use The Law to Fight Antisemitism – MARCH 18th @7:30 PM

The rise of antisemitism in Canada has escalated dramatically since Oct. 7th.  Shootings into Jewish schools, synagogues, stores, and institutions, and Pro-Hamas rallies have taken place in predominantly Jewish neighbourhoods in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal.  On-campus harassment.  In-your-face provocations often victimize Canadian Jews while police stand aside, unable or unwilling to intervene.

Rather than just take it, there are legal avenues open to every Jew victimized by antisemitism.  The law is on their side.  Educate yourself on the multiple options readily available and how you can fight back legally no matter where in Canada you reside.

Join us for this extremely significant webinar as prominent Toronto criminal lawyer Mark J. Sandler explains Canadian society’s manifest hate laws, how their applications vary between provinces and cities, and how we can utilize them to muzzle antisemitic hate – verbal and otherwise.



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