Friday, September 27, 2024
Friday, September 27, 2024
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Missile in the Attic: IDF Releases Photos of Hezbollah Munitions In Lebanese Homes

TOI staff, AP and Emanuel Fabian

Times of Israel, Sept. 24, 2024

“Israel has long accused Hezbollah of transforming entire communities in southern Lebanon into terror bases, with hidden rocket launchers and other infrastructure.”

Israel on Monday published what it said was evidence of Hezbollah munitions being placed in homes, as it sought to pre-empt criticism of wide-ranging strikes that targeted residences across Lebanon and left hundreds in the country dead and over 1,200 injured.

Among the weapons Israel said had been siloed in Lebanese homes before being hit by air force sorties were cruise missiles, rockets with large warheads and drones. In one case, the Israel Defense Forces revealed pictures showing what it said was a long-range rocket mounted on a hydraulic launcher and sitting in the attic of a Lebanese family’s home.

“We are crushing what was built by Hezbollah for 20 years,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declared during a visit to the IDF Operations Directorate’s command room, according to his office.SOURCE

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