Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Tries to Bash Israel for Electoral Gain on Monday:  Ian Cooper, Algemeiner, Sept. 13, 2024
Irwin Cotler Talks Iran, The Hamas War and Canada’s Arms Embargo:  Amelie Botbol, JNS, Sept. 13, 2024
Yes, We Should Be Worried About Canada’s Burgeoning Crop of Jihadis John Robson, Epoch Times, Sept. 9, 2024
Anti-Israel Chaos on Campus a Threat to Canada:  Avi Benlolo, National Post, Sept. 6, 2024

For Further Reference:

Canada Blocks $60 Million Arms Sale to Israel:  Jewish Breaking News, Sept. 12, 2024 — Canada has announced the immediate suspension of 30 arms shipments to Israel, citing concerns over alleged ‘genocide’ in Gaza.

Netanyahu Criticizes Canada for Blocking Military Shipments to Israel:  Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, Sept. 13, 2024 — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is criticizing Canada for blocking military goods shipments to Israel that could help his country in its war with Hamas.

Immigration Without Proper Screening Is Opening the Door to Security Threats in Canada Phil Gurski, Epoch Times, Sept. 9, 2024 — The federal government’s immigration policy, including increasing the number of newcomers to 500,000 per year, has elicited much criticism of late. The effect so many newcomers have had on a tight housing and rental market has been noted repeatedly.

In Trudeau’s Canada Terrorists Belong but Not Elon Muskz’ Brian Lilley. Toronto Sun, Sept. 15, 2024 — A Canadian, is a Canadian, is a Canadian, Justin Trudeau famously said. And while Trudeau’s Liberals are happy to apply that standard to terrorists who want to attack Canada, it obviously doesn’t apply to successful Canadians who disagree with the Trudeau government.

What to Expect with the End of the Liberal-NDP Agreement Cory Morgan, Epoch Times, Sept. 14, 2024 — The current Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the longest-running minority government in Canadian history aside from an unusual government under Mackenzie King which shifted back and forth between majority and minority status in the 1920s.

‘Remember This: The Lesson of Jan Karski’ Review: Dramatically Bearing Witness Charles Isherwood, WSJ, Sept. 15, 2022 — The broad-brush and rosy-hued understanding of America’s involvement in World War II resembles an old western movie, with the cavalry rushing in to save the day. There is an appealing romanticism in this view, but today even nonhistorians recognize its simplicity, or rather its distorted view of history, particularly with regard to the incomprehension—a gentle term—of the extent of the Holocaust.

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