Saturday, September 28, 2024
Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Does ICC Prosecutor Khan have a Case against Netanyahu and Gallant? Experts Doubt it

Jeremy Sharon
Times of Israel, May 21, 2024

“But there is no intention in that regard. It is clear that there has been no policy of starvation; there is no evidence of that.”
The announcement on Monday by International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan that he was seeking arrest warrants against Israel’s prime minister and defense minister has been met with significant pushback from Israel, the United States and beyond.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Joe Biden and numerous other figures in Israel and abroad have decried the moral equivalency with leaders of Palestinian terror group Hamas, against whom Khan said he was also seeking arrest warrants in the same announcement.

In addition to the essence of Khan’s allegations themselves, the rapid manner in which the prosecutor has sought arrest warrants against senior Israeli officials has also been roundly condemned by Israeli politicians across the spectrum.

The pre-trial chamber of the ICC reviewing Khan’s request will now have to evaluate the question of whether the court has jurisdiction and whether or not the case is admissible based on the fact that Israel has an independent judiciary and is capable of investigating the alleged crimes itself, known as the principle of complementarity.

 … [To read the full article, click here

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