Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Leaked US Military Document Reveals Russia’s Wagner Mercenary Group Tried to Buy Weapons from NATO Member

Zachary Cohen and Jennifer Hansler
CNN, Apr. 12, 2023

“Representatives from the Wagner Group appear to have met with their Turkish contacts just one month after Erdogan’s calls with Putin and Zelensky took place, according to the leaked Pentagon document.”
 A Russian paramilitary group fighting in Ukraine on behalf of Vladimir Putin attempted to buy weapons and equipment from an unlikely source: NATO member Turkey, according to a leaked US intelligence document that was obtained by CNN. The leaked document appears to show the lengths the Russian private military group Wagner has gone to try to further strengthen its capabilities as the war in Ukraine – in which it is playing a key role – continues on with no signs of abating.

As a NATO member, Turkey is broadly considered a partner nation to the US and other countries providing direct military support to Ukraine and it has publicly expressed opposition to Russia’s invasion.
It is also home to a major US military base where nuclear weapons are stored and act as an obvious warning sign to deter Russian aggression against NATO members.

According to the US signals intelligence reporting cited in the document, personnel from the Wagner Group met with “Turkish contacts” in early February with the intent “to purchase weapons and equipment from Turkey” that could then be used by Wagner mercenaries who are fighting alongside Russian forces in Ukraine.

It is unclear who those “contacts” were or if the Turkish government was aware of the meetings. There is no evidence that shows that Turkey has moved forward with any arms sales to the Wagner Group. Still, the potential of a NATO ally selling weapons to Russian mercenary forces would likely raise serious concerns in Washington and complicate Ankara’s relationship with other NATO members.
… [To read the full article, click here]

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