CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing




CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH RESEARCH PRESENTS THE 28TH ANNUAL GALA 2016: Israel in Space: Beyond the Blue (and White) Horizon — “Technology, Economy, Security.” In commemoration of Ilan Ramon z”l. Keynote speaker: Tal Inbar, head of the Space Research Center, the Fischer Institute for Air & Space Strategic Studies. Mr. Inbar will discuss the topic “The Israeli Space Endeavor: Accomplishments and Future Challenges.” Join CIJR for this special event that will include a special video presentation by Rona Ramon (Ilan Ramon’s widow), greetings from the Canadian Space Agency, and more. This event will take place in Montreal, Thursday, April 14, and in Toronto, Tuesday, April 12, 2016. For more information and tickets, call 1-855-303-5544, email, or register online at our website:   


Canada Must Address the Threat of Jihad: Tarek Fatah, Toronto Sun, Mar. 15, 2016— By now, most of us are familiar with the sullen-looking face of Ayanle Hassan Ali, who, according to Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders, said he was inspired by Allah to kill infidels in his name.

France: Jihad Infecting Army, Police: Yves Mamou, Gatestone Institute, Mar. 16, 2016— According to a confidential memo, dated January 2016, from the anti-terrorist unit of the French interior ministry, France is already host to 8,250 radical Islamists (a 50% increase in one year).

How Long until Arabs and Muslims Rule, Britannia?: Phyllis Chesler, Arutz Sheva, Mar. 12, 2016— England: Shakespeare’s heroic fairy realm; the world of Blake, Milton, Keats, Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Austen, the Brontes, George Eliot, Charles Dickens, and Virginia Woolf.

Islamism Responsible for More U.S. Murders than ‘Right-Wing’ Extremism: Johanna Markind, Independent Journal Review, Jan. 14, 2016— Every murder is a tragedy, for the victims, their families, and their friends, and that remains true no matter who killed them or why.


On Topic Links


The Knife and the Message: The Roots of the New Palestinian Uprising: Hirsh Goodman and Yossi Kuperwasser, JCPA, 2016

Why the Boko Haram Survivors Need Our Support: Harriet Lamb & Kimairis Toogood, Globe & Mail, Mar. 9, 2016

To Maintain Supply of Sex Slaves, ISIS Pushes Birth Control: Rukmini Callimachi, New York Times, Mar. 12, 2015

Terrorist Groups Intensify Targeting of Children for Jihad: Abha Shankar, IPT, Mar. 10, 2015




Tarek Fatah        

            Toronto Sun, Mar. 15, 2016


By now, most of us are familiar with the sullen-looking face of Ayanle Hassan Ali, who, according to Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders, said he was inspired by Allah to kill infidels in his name. What may be the latest chapter in Canada’s brush with Islamist extremism happened around 3:00 pm Monday. According to Saunders, Ali, 27, entered a military recruitment centre in a Department of National Defence building in Toronto, pulled out a knife and stabbed a uniformed officer at the front desk. He then tried to get past the desk but was tackled by a group of military officers.


One soldier was cut while stopping the suspect, according to Saunders. The two people injured suffered non-life-threatening injuries and were treated in hospital. Toronto’s police chief said this incident would have been far more serious had it not been for a group of soldiers who stepped in and grappled the attacker to the ground.


Authorities were initially reluctant to reveal either the name of the attacker or the Islamic dimension to the incident. Even though the alleged attacker was arrested and witnesses told police they heard him say Allah had told him to kill, authorities were initially reluctant to release the name of the attacker or the precise words used in the attack. The fact the alleged attacker was likely a Muslim Canadian gave it a political dimension and, like the rest of the world, the police seemed uneasy about mentioning this.


It took a number of hours before police released the alleged attacker’s name and the Islamic dimension to the incident. Saunders told a press conference on Tuesday that Ali said in the wake of the attack, “Allah told me to do this, Allah told me to come here and kill people.”


This is not the first time we’ve heard reports of invoking Allah to justify murder. Earlier this month, a Muslim woman in Moscow beheaded a child in her care and told police Allah had asked her to behead the child. What is common in such incidents is that governments, police, and media are reluctant and hesitant to call a spade a spade.


Last week, I was in Delhi attending the World Global Conference where prominent former world leaders spoke, but not one publicly recognized the elephant in the room. From former prime minister of France Dominique de Villepin, to former president of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo, every aspect of international affairs and trade was addressed, but not the threat international jihad poses to humanity.


De Villepin criticized military attempts to defeat Islamic State and other terrorists, claiming the fault was with Western nations. He told the conference: “The western world is dominating the planet. One of the most important problems of today is the imbalance of power.” This “blame the West” narrative came up at another session of the conference, where municipal officials from the Netherlands and Belgium gave no hint of the jihadi terror brewing across Europe.


I was in a state of shock at the ostrich-like attitude of Europe’s leaders. When my turn to speak came, I reminded the audience and my fellow speakers the threat posed by jihadis seeking Islamic supremacy was real and will not go away. It was as if I had touched a raw nerve in the audience as they cheered my suggestion Western elites seem to have lost the will to defend Western values. I was mobbed on stage by young men and women who thanked me for setting aside political correctness. We must do so in Canada as well.                                                                        




          Yves Mamou

    Gatestone Institute, Mar. 16, 2016


According to a confidential memo, dated January 2016, from the anti-terrorist unit of the French interior ministry, France is already host to 8,250 radical Islamists (a 50% increase in one year). Some of these Islamists have gone to Syria to join the Islamic State (IS); others have infiltrated all levels of society, starting with the police and the armed forces.


A leaked confidential memo from the Department of Public Security, published by Le Parisien, details 17 cases of police officers radicalized between 2012 and 2015. Particularly noted were the police officers who listen to and broadcast Muslim chants while on patrol. Some of these police officers have openly refused to protect synagogues or to observe a minute of silence to commemorate the deaths of victims of terrorist attacks.


In addition, the police were alerted to a policewoman who incited terrorism on Facebook, and called her police uniform a “filthy rag of the Republic” while wiping her hands on it. In January 2015, immediately after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Hypercacher kosher supermarket in Vincennes, which had left 17 people dead, she wrote on her Facebook page: “Masked attack led by Zionist cowards… They need to be killed.” That police officers are armed and have access to police databases only intensifies anxiety.


Although police headquarters in Paris claims that these cases are rare, they have decided to review on a weekly basis any behavior that oversteps the principle of separation of church and state, such as that of Muslim officers who appear to be leaning toward radicalization. Patrice Latron, who manages the office of the Paris police prefect, told Le Parisien that these phenomena are “very marginal.”


The police are not the only ones who are anxious; the French military is concerned as well. There are no statistics for the number of Muslim soldiers in the French armed forces, but it is commonly thought that there are many, and that they are vulnerable to Islamist influences, given that France in engaged militarily in Africa, against Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and against the Islamic State in the Middle East. Since the Charlie Hebdo attack in January 2015, however, France’s largest military operation has been on national soil: 10,000 armed soldiers are now deployed in France to protect synagogues, Jewish schools, train and subway stations, and also some mosques — to show Muslims that the French Republic does not see them as enemies. Their mission is no longer to be simply a complementary force but, as Le Figaro explained, to “deploy, on a permanent basis, interior military operations.”


As early as 2013, during the fifth national security parliamentary conference, Colonel Pascal Rolez, adjunct to the assistant director of the counter-intervention unit of the Defense Security Protection Department (DPSD), declared, “We are witnessing an increase in radicalization among the French military, notably since the Merah affair.” Recall that Mohammed Merah, a young French Muslim, murdered three French soldiers in Toulouse and Montauban, as well as murdering four French Jews at a school in Toulouse. In 2012, Mohammed Merah, a French Muslim, murdered three French soldiers, as well as four French Jews at a school. Today, with many cases of French Muslim soldiers and police becoming radicalized, the security services worry about the risk of “having agents of security forces attack their colleagues.”


In order to identify members of the armed forces who are being radicalized, the DPSD takes into account changes in dress, recurrent sick leave, travel, or theft of supplies or materiel. Since the January 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket in Paris, the media have noted several indications of radicalization in the French army.


On January 21, 2015, the radio station RFI announced that about 10 French soldiers deserted and joined the Jihadist fight in Syria and Iraq. Jean-Yves Le Drian, Defense Minister, has confirmed this, although with the caveat that these are “extremely rare” cases. Apparently, one of these veterans holds the position of “emir” in Deir Ezzor in Syria, and leads a group of around 10 French combatants whom he has personally trained. The other French deserters are explosives experts or paratroopers; some come from commando units in the French Foreign Legion…


On March 6, 2016, a “radicalized” military veteran, Manuel Broustail, was arrested while getting off a plane in Morocco. According to the French newspaper, Presse Ocean, Broustail was carrying in his suitcase a machete, four kitchen knives, two pocket knives, a retractable baton, a black hood, and a gas canister. A French military veteran and convert to Islam, Broustail had previously been placed under long-term house arrest in Angers (Maine-et-Loire), days after the horrific attacks in Paris, in which 130 people were murdered. Discharged from the army in 2014, he had been under surveillance by French security agencies. The media seem concerned that such a person, carrying such weapons, could walk through airport security controls, board a plane and leave the country…

[To Read the Full Article Click the Following Link—Ed.]



Phyllis Chesler    

                                                Arutz Sheva, Mar. 12, 2016


England: Shakespeare’s heroic fairy realm; the world of Blake, Milton, Keats, Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Austen, the Brontes, George Eliot, Charles Dickens, and Virginia Woolf. England: The country of William Wilberforce, who successfully fought to abolish the slave trade; the land of the bravest suffrage movement anywhere; Churchill’s own country – that fair and glorious Kingdom is still there but it is also fraying, fading away.


I’ve just returned from a visit to this storied Isle. I saw the most sublime production of The Tempest at The Sam Wanamaker/Globe Theater; a wondrous production of As You Like It at the National Theater; and a riveting performance of Bellini’s opera about the Druid priestess, Norma, at the Coliseum. Every seat was filled by Brits of all ages. High culture still lives on there. But London is no longer as I first encountered it in 1961, or again in 1969, or even in 1989.


Now, all London only dares whisper about the Arab and Muslim takeover of their city. Many of the best luxury hotels are owned by the Sultan of Brunei and various other wealthy foreign Muslims, as is the historic department store Harrods. (Dodi Al-Fayed’s father, an Egyptian, bought it long ago when he envisioned his son marrying Princess Diana, the mother of the future King of England).


The best townhouses on Park Lane, in Hyde Park, Belgravia, Mayfair, and Knightsbridge now belong to Arab embassies, oil-rich sheiks, and the occasional Russian oligarch. Londoners who still “take tea” in the lobbies of the grand hotels tell me in soft, resigned voices that “this is how it is and there is nothing that can be done about it. Speak out and you will fall into immediate disfavor.” I know several exceptionally gallant, truth-telling thinkers and writers in London who are now blacklisted, censored, their powers curtailed. They dared tell the truth about how biased against America and Israel the British media and professoriate are – and how irrationally they favor both Islam and Islamism.


However, as one life-long Londoner pointed out to me: “Harrods, which is also owned by Arabs, (al-Fayed sold it to Qatar), loses business nine months of the year and only survives because Arabs come on shopping expeditions in the summer to escape the desert heat.” London’s Fortum and Mason’s, the most luxurious store in the world, now has its first stand-alone satellite store in Dubai. A limousine driver tells me that he routinely picks up exceedingly short fur coats that cost $65,000.00 for Arab women and that “once, a Saudi Prince left 3 million pounds in the boot (trunk) of my car. He completely forgot about it.”


A professor from Oxford comes down to visit me. She tells me about the “Asian (Pakistani) grooming gangs” in Oxford and about how 370 very young Caucasian infidel girls were pimped out by these gangs in Oxford alone: Finally, after many years, the pimps were arrested and sentenced and the failure of the police to stop them was excoriated in open court. The English Defense League mounted a brave, civil rights protest right in front of the police station. The police cordoned them off, surrounded them with barking dogs and a line of police officers who let no one near enough to hear what they had to say. And then they loosed the Anti-Fascist League against them who came rushing down the street, hollering ‘Nazi, fascist scum.’ As Orwell understood, not all speech is equal.


The streets are filled with women in heavy hijab, in the niqab (face mask), and in black, burqa-like body bags. As I have written many times before, I have no quarrel with head coverings, but suggest that the West must draw the line at face masks and sensory deprivation isolation chambers, which burqas truly are. These “covered” women are flying the flag of jihad, of a barbaric version of patriarchy – which is now increasingly ensconced within Britain’s gates. I have no quarrel with head coverings, but the West must draw the line at face masks and isolation chambers.


The West’s dependence on Big Oil, together with its own blind commitment to cultural sensitivity, an allegedly anti-racist tolerance for the barbarian “other,” and fearfulness about the consequences of speaking out have together brought this about. Some say that just as England once colonized the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent, Central Asia, and the Far East, the favor is now being returned; the Islamic world is giving the colonizing Mother Country a taste of its own well deserved medicine. Tragically, this means that infidel women are sexual prey; that their rape, sexual harassment, and sexual slavery are being done quite openly, publicly – much like in the Muslim world. It means that the luxury hotels all offer a “halal” option; that certain British government offices are run as Sharia enterprises.


The British nationalists and the Islamists agree on one thing and one thing only: That the Jews are the greatest oppressors and conspirators in the world; that “Palestine” is the most oppressed (non-) country in the whole wide world; and that this must be screamed out loud in the mosques, on the streets, in the media, and in the universities. Please read Carol Gould and Melanie Phillips for starters if you have not already done so. Recently, I wrote about a British documentary made possible by the hard work of a Turkish-born nun, Sister Hatune Dogan. She opened every door for the British filmmakers, gentled the sex slaves whom she and her networks had rescued from ISIS and translated their words for the filmmaker…

[To Read the Full Article Click the Following Link—Ed.]






THAN ‘RIGHT-WING’ EXTREMISM                                                   

            Johanna Markind

Independent Journal Review, Jan. 14, 2016


Every murder is a tragedy, for the victims, their families, and their friends, and that remains true no matter who killed them or why. That being said, the current administration has persistently worked to focus attention away from Islamist violence and toward right-wing violence and gun control. President Obama’s announced executive action plan regarding firearms is the latest salvo in the effort, which has been picked up by media and think tanks friendly to the administration.


After the Charleston church attack, the president quoted Martin Luther King, saying we must be concerned with “the philosophy that produced the murderers.” After the Colorado Planned Parenthood attack, Obama warned not to “demonize” the victim organization. After the Boston marathon bombing, he warned people against rushing to judgment “about the motivations of these individuals” (in other words, not to demonize the perpetrators) or “entire groups of people.” His administration labeled the 2009 Fort Hood attack “workplace violence.” With few exceptions, the president attributes ideological motives to non-Islamist mass casualty attacks, and non-ideological motives to Islamist attacks.


Obama has focused attention away from Islamist violence and toward right-wing violence and gun control. Last June, the New America Foundation (NAF) – whose president, Anne-Marie Slaughter, formerly held a policy position in the administration – released a study purportedly showing “right-wing” extremism had killed more Americans than “jihadist attacks” i.e., Islamist violence, since 9/11. The study, and media coverage of it, implied popular concern about Islamist violence was overblown, because “the main terrorist threat in the United States is not from violent Muslim extremists, but from right-wing extremists.” The study misleadingly implied that the threat of Muslim violence is less severe than other threats. Preliminarily, the list ignores other types of terrorism.


The list of “right wing” murders mixes several different ideologies, including various types of racism, such as white supremacist, neo-Nazi, anti-black, and anti-Semitic (30), plus anti-government (15), anti-abortion (4), and anti-homosexual (2) beliefs. Three murders had both racist and anti-government motivations; the above numbers double-count them.


By contrast, the list of “jihadist” murders reflects a single ideology, that of radical Islam or Islamism. It may be incomplete. For example, on February 5, 2013, Yusuf Ibrahim beheaded two Copts in New Jersey. In October 2002, Beltway snipers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Malvo killed ten people. There are indications these murders were motivated by Islamism. Even excluding the twelve Ibrahim and Muhammad-Malvo killings, at least 45 murders since 9/11 were motivated by Islamism, making it the ideology responsible for more deaths than any other in the US.


Furthermore, if we take as expansive a view of Muslim violence as NAF took of “right-wing” violence, we should include victims of the barbaric practice of “honor killings” – killing someone, usually a woman, who allegedly brought shame on her family. Some have Islamist overtones. For example, in July 2002, Alim Hassan killed his wife, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, reportedly because the wife refused to convert from Hinduism to Islam. Since 9/11, there have been at least twelve honor killings in the US. A May 2015 report funded by and submitted to the US Department of Justice (DOJ) estimated that there are 23-27 honor killings in the US each year.


The NAF study implies that law enforcement should devote more resources to right-wing extremism than Islamism. Adding known honor-killing victims to NAF’s list, Muslim violence has accounted for at least 57 deaths since 9/11. Of course, if we add in the 2,977 fatalities from 9/11, that number would be 3,034.


The NAF study and related coverage implied law enforcement should devote more resources to “right-wing” extremism than Islamist violence. That seems consistent with administration policy. For instance, recent DOJ grants to study domestic radicalization required recipients to study several types of extremism, given that the “majority of studies… focused on al-Qaida and other Islamic-inspired violent extremists at the detriment to… other violent extremist ideologies.” It is probably true that more government resources could be devoted to preventing “right-wing attacks,” and the public should be mindful of the dangers. It is certainly true that preventing Islamist attacks deserves the lion’s share of government resources.


That is apparent from NAF’s own data. Its list of “Terror Plots” since 9/11 notes over 150 Islamist plots. It lists but a single “right-wing” plot; presumably the list is incomplete, if only because NAF’s list of “right-wing” fatalities identified several other incidents. The Southern Poverty Law Center identifies 56 incidents of “right-wing” terrorism between April 1, 2009 and February 1, 2015. Approximately 92 of the Islamist incidents identified by NAF occurred during the same time period. Fortunately, most were foiled, or the casualties would be much higher. NAF also identifies 499 total “extremists,” of whom 182 are “nonjihadist” and 317 – or 75% more – are Islamist…

[To Read the Full Article Click the Following Link—Ed.]


On Topic


The Knife and the Message: The Roots of the New Palestinian Uprising: Hirsh Goodman and Yossi Kuperwasser, JCPA, 2016—The latest wave of Palestinian violence against Jews is something new, an insidious wave of seemingly un-orchestrated attacks, perpetrated by unlikely assailants, and generally untraceable to any particular organization.

Why the Boko Haram Survivors Need Our Support: Harriet Lamb & Kimairis Toogood, Globe & Mail, Mar. 9, 2016 —It was the Twitter campaign that kindled global compassion: #BringBackOurGirls focused on the shocking fate of 276 girls abducted in Chibok, Nigeria, in April, 2014. Some escaped, but most are still missing.

To Maintain Supply of Sex Slaves, ISIS Pushes Birth Control: Rukmini Callimachi, New York Times, Mar. 12, 2015—Locked inside a room where the only furniture was a bed, the 16-year-old learned to fear the sunset, because nightfall started the countdown to her next rape. During the year she was held by the Islamic State, she spent her days dreading the smell of the ISIS fighter’s breath, the disgusting sounds he made and the pain he inflicted on her body.

Terrorist Groups Intensify Targeting of Children for Jihad: Abha Shankar, IPT, Mar. 10, 2015—Children have become a key target group for recruitment by terrorist groups who are increasingly turning to social media to showcase their successful efforts in indoctrinating them for jihad.















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