Jonathan S. Tobin
JNS, Nov. 1, 2022
“The ADL’s endorsement of the divisive and dangerous BLM movement ensured that it would also follow other left-wingers down the rabbit hole of CRT and affirmative action, even while it disingenuously protests that it opposes racism and discrimination.”
A lot is on the line as the U.S. Supreme Court begins deciding two separate cases on the use of race-based admissions policies at universities. The practice, commonly known as affirmative action, is rooted in the notion that race-based discrimination was necessary to correct the racist policies of the past.
The use of race in this manner has survived several court challenges over the past few decades, but the above cases—in which the non-profit group, Students for Fair Admissions, is suing both the University of North Carolina and Harvard—may finally put an end to it.
The court heard oral arguments on Monday, and will now vote privately. But we probably won’t know the outcome until the end of the current term in June, when the written opinions of the justices will be made public.
There’s more at stake here than the question of who gets to be a student at these two venerable schools. This is why the decision of the Anti-Defamation League, the group that is supposed to be defending Jews and opposing discrimination, to side with the universities in these cases is so disappointing.
It demonstrates once again that the ADL has become nothing more than just another liberal advocacy group supporting the racialist agenda of the left wing of the Democratic Party. In so doing, the ADL—along with the Biden administration, which also sought to intervene in these cases—is betraying the vision of a color-blind society articulated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A racial agenda
In place of this vision, the ADL and its leftist allies are essentially supporting a view of society that conforms to the toxic myths spread by critical race theory (CRT) advocates, who wish to permanently divide society on the basis of skin color.
At a moment in history when CRT has become widely accepted and used to indoctrinate students and employees at governmental and private institutions, the Supreme Court has a unique opportunity.
By forcing UNC and Harvard to stop using race as a determining factor in admissions, it can send a clear message to the country that employing race in order to justify discriminating against some so as to allegedly empower others, is both wrong and illegal. … source