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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Biden’s Support for Iran Protesters Comes After Bitter Lessons of 2009

Joe Biden | Former Vice President of the United States Joe B… | Flickr
Flickr Joe Biden | Former Vice President of the United States Joe B… | Flickr


David E. Sanger

NY Times, Sept 26, 2022

“… there were hints that the administration was looking for ways to get Starlink, in particular, into the hands of protesters.”

 The last time waves of protests swept Iran, after the killing of a young woman who was standing on the sidelines of an anti-government rally in 2009, Barack Obama hesitated to back the anti-government movement publicly for fear that Tehran would claim the C.I.A. was secretly sparking the unrest.

Thirteen years later, under remarkably similar circumstances, President Biden has taken a dramatically different approach. He publicly sided with the protesters in his speech to the United Nations last week. The United States moved quickly last week to impose sanctions on the country’s morality police. And the administration has permitted the activation of satellite links and other internet services in hopes of restoring communications among the protesters, despite attempts by Iranian officials to keep them in the dark.

Now the race is on to get the communications equipment into the hands of the protesters — no small task in a country where the government is determined to shut down any view the outside world may have into the depth of its crackdown after the death in police custody of the 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was accused of violating the law on head scarves. … SOURCE


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