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Iran Is Serious About Its Promise Of ‘Death to Israel’ – Opinion

Catherine Perez-Shakdam

Jerusalem Post, Aug. 13, 2022 

“Amid a storm of adulation, the supreme leader sentenced World Jewry to death, proclaiming from his pulpit that the cancer that is Israel and its people: the Jews, would be excised to the point of extinction so that the righteous ones could claim victory over the appointed enemy.”

We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.” – Ruhollah Khomeini

We would do well to appreciate the magnitude of such words, for since its inception, the Islamic Republic’s truest expression, its life force and raison d’être, has been to cater to a warped Shia Islamic ideal – the worldly manifestation of the Awaited Mahdi’s Kingdom, which sovereignty extends to all that is and all that will be. As Pinky would often ask: “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” to which Brain would reply: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!”

If only we could laugh at the lunacy of it all… if only Iran’s regime was reasonable, if only the Islamic Republic would accept to exist within its borders, if only world powers could accept that Iran is exactly what it has been telling us it is: a maniacal genocidal power whose core ideology demands –

1. The blood of all Jews to be spilled and

2. For the very idea of Israel to disappear from world consciousness.

The slogan: “Death to Israel, Death to America,” is not a figure of speech meant to exasperate. Those words do not exist in a vacuum devoid of all political thought – they are the expression of a very clear project which remit I’m afraid is again not limited by geography but rather pertains to what Israel and America represent as far as the regime’s theological and political schema is concerned – an act of rebellion.

The Islamic Republic stands today the biggest threat to secular democracies. For decades, Tehran has played sponsor-a-terrorist, opening its coffers and its training camps to whoever wishes war on the West and its apostasy. We are the infidels to whom their clerics urge followers to lay waste. Everything that we are – from our quest to achieving self-governance and sovereignty over our lives, to our human rights’ advocacy and our calls for equality before the rule of law, or again free speech – are values Tehran’s clergy deems an insult to its religious sensitivities. Only there is very little religion to be found in the promotion of bloodshed. But it doesn’t stop Iran’s clerical class from trying to rationalize genocide and argue instead the liberation of a people from the yoke of slavery – more on that in a moment.

The ayatollah sentences Jews to death

I SAT in Tehran’s great conference hall in 2017 as Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made his opening remarks to the burning question of Palestine and Palestinians’ future. Amid a storm of adulation, the supreme leader sentenced World Jewry to death, proclaiming from his pulpit that the cancer that is Israel and its people: the Jews, would be excised to the point of extinction so that the righteous ones could claim victory over the appointed enemy.

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