Sunday, September 1, 2024
Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Biden Heads to Region with Hopes for Israeli-Saudi Ties Looming Over Packed Schedule

Jacob Magid

The Times of Israel, July 13, 2022

“He’s going to face a region that’s long on problems with very few solutions.”

US President Joe Biden departed Washington for the Middle East on Tuesday night as speculation peaked in Israel that he would deliver a breakthrough in ties between the Jewish state and one of the region’s most prominent Muslim countries.

Biden was set to touch down at Ben-Gurion airport on Wednesday afternoon local time. There he will kick off a four-day trip to Israel, the West Bank and Saudi Arabia aimed at further solidifying bilateral ties with Jerusalem, providing assurances to the Palestinians that his administration is still proactively committed to the two-state solution, and coaxing the Gulf kingdom to increase its oil production and coordinate with regional partners on Iran.

In Israel, the leadup to the trip has sparked feverish excitement over the potential for bringing its long-hushed correspondences with Saudi Arabia a bit more out into the open.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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