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TOC Ready Room, June 24, 2022:  … Escalation in Russia-NATO Confrontation…: 

J.E. Dyer

The Optimistic Conservative, June 24, 2022

“Even if Ukraine pulls off a reversal of Russia’s excruciating 2022 gains in Donbas, too much has now changed to pretend this war never happened, and it’s 2021 again.”

Escalation and confrontation

A worrying trend was recorded last week (in the period 15-17 June 2022).  Reporting on the events didn’t make a real break in the U.S media until this week.  In this TOC RR we’ll do little more than look at what the events were.

The confrontations were between the U.S. and NATO, on the one hand, and Russia on the other.  Although U.S. media have picked up on them, it’s quite possible readers haven’t heard about them.

As regulars of TOC know, I’ve previewed for months the likelihood that a Russian campaign against the U.S. and NATO, to affect our will and even ability to support Ukraine, would take asymmetric forms.  Two events in Syria, on 15 and 16 June, look like examples of such measures.

One is of particular concern because it involved Russia bombing a facility in southern Syria used by the U.S. Coalition and Syrian fighters our government supports.  The facility is the one we’ve occupied for some years now at Al-Tanf.

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