CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Paul Merkley: Slaves Seeking Slavery: the Alliance of Secular Leftists and Islamists


Anyone feeling the need for a quick boost of morale should take a quick look at the site where he can watch an incredibly brave man, Robert Spencer, the Director of Jihad Watch, as he speaks to a crowd of secular-left and Islamist groups at a Pax Europe rally in Suttgart, Germany, in June 2011:


    You are already subjugated! You are already their useful idiots…. You are out here in their service. And you think your fight is for freedom. You are fighting for you own slavery! … You are fighting for the destruction of all the freedoms that you enjoy. You are fighting for the defeat of your own selves, of your own lives. You are slaves seeking slavery. You are the most foolish, you are the most evil, foolish people on Earth…. Shame on you!”


Deep-thinkers in the crowd tried to drown our Spencer’s message by throwing bottles, ice, eggs, and manure at the stage. By now, we are all well-acquainted with this theatre: massive rallies throughout the Western world, organized and manned by leading lights of the European secular-Left and Muslim activists. They appear arm-in-arm under banners denouncing the Apartheid Zionist Entity and its brutality towards innocent Palestinians. They call down shame upon the pro-Israel bias of Canada’s government, the evil legacy of the Crusades and the “Islamophobia” that informs the perception that they are out of line with our parochial Western values and legal traditions.


The Legacy of Dhimmitude.


The spokesmen assigned by these groups to be interviewed by our television networks lose no time in getting to the message: that everything that Muslims suffer today at the hands of godless Westerners and their Zionist co-oppressors could be averted if we would only practise the toleration towards minorities that made Arab empire – all of them long gone – great and prosperous and enlightened.

Jews and Christians were “Protected” communities under Muslim Empire, they declaim. But they never pause to ask “Protected Against Whom?”


The governing reality of inter-religious relations during the centuries of Muslim empire was the dhimma. This was the pact, or contract, under which conquered “People of the Book” (Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians) acknowledged the inferiority of their religion, and accepted to live under the command of their communities’ leaders – who, in turn, agreed to supervise the people’s adherence to specified limitations on their lives and to report on their compliance to the Muslim masters. Dhimmi people (that is, all Christians and Jews) paid a heavy tax (jizyah) from which Muslims were exempt. They were forbidden to own land– which greatly limited the economic prospects of the Islamic masses. Their clothing was restricted to certain types and styles, and on it they wore distinguishing badges – a symbol of a monkey for the Jews, a symbol of a pig for the Christians – so that they lived without dignity.

The “protection” which the Muslims extended towards the Jews and Christians was of the sort dispensed by the mafia — from themselves, not from some third party – as all others were converted or liquidated. It is this blessed state of affairs that the newly-proclaimed Caliph has in mind as he calls the Christians who come under the mercies of his Caliphate in Syria and Iraq —and then eventually everywhere – to renounce Christ, and convert – or die.


Non-believers, Idol-worshippers, and Other Human Trash.


But there is a third category, this one not eligible for the blessings of dhimmitude : these are Harbis, non-Muslims who do not meet the required for living as a community under Protection (dhimmitude)—those who are neither Muslims, Jews or Christians, all those who profess other religions, or who profess no religion at all – (that is, those whom we call atheists” or “agnostics.”) These uncontracted trash have no right to live at all – anywhere.


Responding to the beheading of James Foley by ISIS, Muslim cleric Hussein bin Mahmoud presumes to speak for the authentic Islamic tradition, noting that, under Islamic law, Foley was a harbi, i.e. a non-Muslim whose life was not protected by an agreement of protection.


    Millions of Muslims have been killed, tortured and driven from their homes; tens of thousands of Muslim women have had their honor violated and have been sexually abused by the Americans – yet people are weeping over a Christian American harbi infidel who entered the Islamic State, knowing full well what the Islamic State is, and without a pact [of protection]. Were the soldiers of the Islamic State supposed to pat this American harbi on the back and smile at him? All scholars, without exception, agree on the permissibility of killing a harbi infidel, and agree that his blood and property are fair game. Most of them [also] agree on the permissibility of killing him if he is taken prisoner. So where does this condemnation of the IS come from?… Many Muslims are influenced by the West’s false views and its repulsive ideas, which are exported to the Islamic nation in order to weaken it and change the perception of its youth so that [the youth] become cowardly and subdued and abandon the means of power and terror, and thus create a generation that does not know fighting or the cutting of necks. (“Muslim cleric justifies Islamic State beheadings: Islam is a religion of beheading,”, August 25, 2014.)


A moment’s thought will bring to mind that this category of harbi embraces at last one-half of humanity today – those who are not Muslims, Jews, or Christians; and one’s second thought must be that within this company must be included perhaps a third of those who are citizens of Canada.


Advice To Harbis From the Desk of Prophet Muhammad.


Individuals in our midst who show up at public events and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Muslims shouting “Death to Jews” are without excuse if they imagine that they are admired on account of their shunning of fellow-Christians and Jews. Prophet Muhammad has put them on notice:


    They are those who deny the signs of their Lord [that is, of Jesus] and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter); vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight. [ Qur’an, 018.105) According to Muhammad, disbelief is enough in itself to qualify for consignment to the eternal fires of hell.


    That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and my Messengers by way of jest. (018.106)

    As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads (022.020) .

No liberal should expect to find salvation in his reputation for being well -disposed to Islam, or for having contributed to the protection of Islam or of having declared his indebtedness to Islam for the light that Islam casts upon values common to other expressions of faith:


    Those who deny Allah and his messengers and those who wish to separate Allah from His messengers, saying “We believe in some but reject others… and those who wish to take a course midway are all in truth equally unbelievers, and we have prepared for unbelievers a humiliating punishment. (004.150-151.)


Individuals who show up at public events and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Muslims as they shout “Death to Jews” are without excuse it they are truly in ignorance of these historical realities and if they do not grasp; that Islam today is devoted to the eradication of all the values that liberals, radicals, pacifists, anarchists and progressives of all kinds pretend to believe in: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association, equal rights for women, tolerance for homosexuality, et cetera. Pathetically, they imagine that, when Jews and Christians are compelled once again to submit to Islam, they will emerge as accredited friends of Islam. In fact, that will not emerge at all! They will have no place at all in a world in which the license to live is issued by Islam – no more, that is, than do homosexuals, liberals and other human trash in Iran today.

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