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Wednesday’s “News in Review” Round-Up

Media-ocrity of the Week


The following is a letter written by CIJR’s Publications Chairman
to the
Jerusalem Post’s editor.


Re: Of Hate and Hope (Jerusalem Post, February 23.)


The publication of Daniel Eisenbud’s denigration of a “nefarious breed of Jewish immigrant [that] comes [to Israel] filled with rage” crosses the line. That any law-abiding Jew who has made aliyah be described in the world’s premier Zionist newspaper as a “ravenous shark surrounded by chunks of fish in bloodied waters,” and be compared to “cancer cells,” is scandalous. And for the author to suggest that the presence of these Jews “most upsets the balance” in Israel, as opposed to the surrounding countries’ “murderous hatred that tries to permeate [Israel’s] borders day after day, second after second,” is preposterous.


Mr. Eisenbud’s subsequent refusal to reveal the identity of this “toxic” group, coupled with his failure to at the very least inquire as to the nature of the purported grievances of these “immigrant[s] with a mentality of anger,” further puts into question the author’s journalistic integrity.


Worse is that Mr. Eisenbud implies that these “ailing” Jews, primarily for the likes of whom Israel was reborn in 1948, are somehow destroying the Zionist dream. Rather than reaching out, Mr. Eisenbud encourages these Jews to “go back to where [they] came from” because they have “nothing of substance to offer” and are merely “expedit[ing Israel’s] destruction.”


This type of know-nothing chauvinist statement is expected from “oil-rich countries with ideologies about Jews that would have made Hitler glow with pride.” Not from a Jew. And, equally disturbing, is why the Jerusalem Post, under new editorial direction, would see fit to publish such a vicious and poorly-written piece.

Weekly Quotes


Since I last wrote to you ten days ago, ten more rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli communities. Ten days. Ten rockets. Not one word of condemnation from the Security Council. It is time for the Council to speak with one voice and act with one purpose against the terrorists that operate with impunity in the Gaza Strip.”—Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, in a letter sent to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, expressing outrage over the UN Security Council’s failure to condemn the firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israel. (Ynet news, February 28.)


The Agency continues to have serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.”—Excerpt of an International Atomic Energy Agency statement, confirming in a new report that Iran has sharply increased its uranium enrichment in violation of UN Security Council resolutions. The nuclear watchdog also announced the failure of its mission to Tehran last week, saying that Iranian officials refused to respond to allegations of research relevant to developing nuclear arms. (Reuters, February 24.)


“[Iran] has not made a decision to produce a nuclear weapon, they are not on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon, and there is still time and space for diplomacy to work.”—Anthony Blinken, National Security Adviser to US Vice President Joe Biden, describing the Obama administration’s Iran policy as “buying time and continuing to move this problem into the future.” According to Blinken, “if you can do that strange things can happen in the interim. You never know.” (Haaretz, February 28.)


One issue will be central: the increasing power of Iran.”—Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, confirming his upcoming March 5 meeting with US President Barack Obama in Washington will primarily concern Iran. (Jerusalem Post, February 26.)


Israeli officials’ remarks about launching an attack against Iran are ridicules [sic].” A military attack by the Zionist regime will undoubtedly lead to the collapse of this regime.”—Iranian Defense Minister, Brig.-Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, claiming that Israel is “on the verge of dissolution,” and that a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities would hasten the Jewish state’s demise. (Jerusalem Post, February 25.)


If Iran’s goal is to convince the world its nuclear program is not aimed at creating a weapon to use against Israel, it’s going about it the wrong way. Tehran’s government-run Farsi News Agency has published an interview with the widow of the nuclear scientist who was recently killed under mysterious circumstances that most observers believe is the work of Israel’s Mossad.… But rather than attempt to tug at the heartstrings of the West or to convince the world her husband was innocent…Fatemeh Bolouri Kashani’s statement will have quite the opposite effect. According to Kashani, her late husband…had strong feelings about his work: ‘Mostafa’s ultimate goal was the annihilation of Israel.…”—Jonathan S. Tobin, in “Slain Iranian Nuclear Scientist’s Goal: Annihilate Israel.” Similarly, following last November’s mysterious death at a missile factory of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Hassan Tehrani-Moghadam, the Iranian press published his last will and testament, in which he requested the epitaph, “This is the grave of someone who wanted to destroy Israel.” (Contentions, February 22 & 24.)


I’m disappointed that the game was cancelled. They told me it was cancelled because I’m Israeli.”—Avram Grant, coach of Serbia’s Partizan Belgrad soccer club, following Iran-based Sepahan Isfahan’s decision to cancel a training match between the teams due to Grant’s Israeli nationality. (Jerusalem Post, February 20.)


The commission received credible and consistent evidence identifying high- and mid-ranking members of the armed forces who ordered their subordinates to shoot at unarmed protesters, kill soldiers who refused to obey such orders, arrest persons without cause, mistreat detained persons and attack civilian neighborhoods with indiscriminate tanks and machine-gun fire.”—Excerpts from a United Nations report on Syria, confirming that crimes against humanity have been perpetrated by Syrian forces under orders from the “highest level” of army and government officials. (Reuters, February 23.)


There are credible reports that the death toll now often exceeds 100 civilians a day, including many women and children. The total killed so far is certainly well over 7,500 people.”—UN Under-Secretary-General for political affairs, Lynn Pascoe, informing the Security Council that more than 7,500 people have been killed in Syria during the Assad regime’s brutal 11-month crackdown on protesters. (Reuters, February 28.)


The event was held in order to reject the conspiracy taking shape against Syria, with the US leading this move along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They wish to sow terror within Syria and hold the regime accountable.”—Arab-Israeli Knesset member Issam Makhoul, at a conference in Haifa organized by the Popular Committee for Syria’s Victory, expressing solidarity with Syrian President Bashar Assad, and claiming the turmoil in Syria is the result of a conspiracy led by “enemies of the Syrian people.” According to Makhoul, “The State of Israel is an important player in this state of affairs and continues to support the bloodshed in Syria.” (Ynet News, February 26.)


I salute all the nations of the Arab Spring and I salute the heroic people of Syria who are striving for freedom, democracy and reform.”—Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, publicly severing the terror organization’s former close ties to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime, and casting Hamas’ lot with the Syrian opposition. (Reuters, February 24.)


“The Israeli government is determined to destroy any chance of resuming the peace process. The leaks are intended for public relations.”—Chief PLO negotiator, Saeb Erekat, accusing the Israeli government of leaking information pertaining to the recent peace talks in Jordan. Erekat’s comments came in response to Israeli media reports that the positions on the issue of borders presented by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to the Palestinians did not significantly differ from those tabled by then-foreign minister Tzipi Livni at the Annapolis Conference in 2007. (Jerusalem Post, February 22.)


Palestine is a state built on struggle
With the Martyr’s blood, with gunfire
It [Palestine] will restore the plant to its land
It will bring home those who are distant
It will return the stolen [property] to its inhabitants
So that Arab honor will not be degraded
Oh treacherous aggressor, oh sinner [Israel]
We will rise like the sun shining on dry grass.
”—Excerpt of a song broadcast on official Palestinian Authority television. The video aired on Jan. 20, 2012 and Feb. 1, 2012. (Palestinian Media Watch, February 23.)


I’ve had the great privilege of sitting next to the giants of the judicial system. The turnover of justices in the Supreme Court casts heavy responsibility upon us, the incumbent judges. We must preserve the magnificent tradition of the court. The State of Israel is a Jewish and democratic state, and it must preserve the Jewish values and protect the ways of democracy.”— Asher Grunis, after being sworn in as the new president of Israel’s Supreme Court, replacing outgoing chief justice Dorit Beinisch. (Ynet news, February 28.)


It’s an outrage.… These are hypocritical candidacies. [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez throws judges and critics in jail, bullies young student activists and uses his UN vote to shield the atrocities of others. Venezuela just voted against UN action on the horrific massacres perpetrated by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Pakistan persecutes religious minorities, including Sufis, Shiites, Ahmadis and Christians. Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five, is on death row in Pakistan under Pakistan’s medieval blasphemy law. Pakistan’s judicial system punishes women who are victimized by rape instead of the rapists.… We call on all UN member states to state clearly that Venezuela and Pakistan are not qualified to be members of the Human Rights Council, and to strongly oppose their candidacies.”—Executive director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, condemning bids by Venezuela and Pakistan to join the UN’s 47-nation Human Rights Council. Last year, UN Watch exposed Syria’s candidacy to the council, and initiated a diplomatic campaign that pressured Damascus to drop its bid at the last minute. (UN Watch, February 22.)


Short Takes


PM: IAEA REPORT PROVES IRAN CONTINUING NUCLEAR PROGRAM—(Jerusalem) According to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s latest report proves that Iran’s nuclear program is progressing “without let-up.” The report shows that Iran has carried out a significant expansion of activities at its main uranium enrichment plants, Natanz and Fordow. At Natanz, the IAEA said 52 cascades—each containing around 170 centrifuges—are now operating, up from 37 in November. At the Fordow facility, buried beneath 80 meters (265 feet) of rock and soil, almost 700 centrifuges are now refining uranium to a fissile concentration of 20 percent and preparations are under way to install many more. (Jerusalem Post, February 25.)


UN CONDEMNS TERRORIST ATTACKS ON ISRAELI OFFICIALS—(Jerusalem) The United Nations Security Council has condemned “in the strongest terms” the Iranian-sponsored terrorist attack against Israeli diplomats in New Delhi, India and the attempted attack in Tbilisi, Georgia. The UN resolution stated that terrorism poses “one of the most serious threats to peace and security,” and that terrorist acts are “criminal and unjustifiable.” Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, welcomed the resolution, saying it was the first time the Security Council condemned a terror attack against Israeli targets since 2005. (Jerusalem Post, February 24.)


PALESTINIANS ATTACK CHRISTIAN TOURISTS AT TEMPLE MOUNT—(Jerusalem) Palestinians worshiping at the Temple Mount have attacked a group of Christian tourists with stones, reportedly in reaction to a rumor that a group of right-wing Jews were planning to destroy the Al-Aksa mosque and build the Third Temple in its place. Some 18 Palestinians were arrested in connection with the attacks, following clashes with Jerusalem police, which left three officers injured. The incident comes a week after a regularly scheduled visit to the Temple Mount by Likud Party member Moshe Feiglin was canceled after flyers appeared in the area claiming he was visiting the historic site in order to “declare that healthy leadership begins with total control over Temple Mount.” (JTA, February 19.)


‘FRIENDS OF SYRIA’ DEMAND ACCESS FOR AID AT ONCE—(Tunis) Representatives from more than 60 governments have met in Tunis for the first “Friends of Syria” summit. At the one-day gathering, participants backed an Arab League plan calling on President Bashar Assad to cede power, and recognized Syria’s main opposition, the Syrian National Council, “as a legitimate representative of Syrians seeking peaceful democratic change.” A draft declaration from the meeting called on Syria to “immediately cease all violence,” to allow the United Nations access to Homs, and to let agencies deliver humanitarian aid to civilians. Following the meeting, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said he would dispatch former UN chief Kofi Annan to Syria as a joint U.N.-Arab League envoy. (Reuters, February 24 & Wall Street Journal, February 25.)


KREMLIN: RUSSIA, IRAN OPPOSE INTERVENTION IN SYRIA—(Moscow) Following a phone conversation between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Kremlin has released a statement reiterating Moscow and Tehran’s position that the crisis in Syria be resolved without foreign intervention. According to the statement, the two Presidents discussed “the dramatic situation developing around Syria” and called for an internal Syrian political dialogue “without preliminary conditions”—wording suggesting Assad should not be required to step down as a condition for talks. Russia, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has protected Syrian President Bashar Assad from UN condemnation and potential sanctions throughout the regime’s crackdown on protests. Syria is Iran’s sole ally in the Arab world. (Reuters, February 22.)


ABBAS URGES ARABS TO FIGHT JUDAIZATION OF J’LEM—(Jerusalem) Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has called on Arabs and Muslims to visit Jerusalem to counter what he called Israel’s accelerated efforts to ‘Judaize’ the city. Speaking at the International Conference for the Defense of Jerusalem in Doha, Qatar, Abbas urged participants to defend Jerusalem “against Israeli violation at all levels,” and was quoted by the Palestinian Ma’an news agency as saying: “The Israeli occupation authorities are using the ugliest and most dangerous means to implement plans to erase and remove the Arab-Islamic and the Christian character of east Jerusalem.” In response, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Office issued a statement calling Abbas’ comments “harshly inflammatory” and “not how one makes peace.” Hamas immediately rejected Abbas’ invitation to visit Jerusalem, with spokesman Fawzi Barhoum saying Hamas officials would only enter the city in order to “liberate Jerusalem” and “deliver it from the occupation.” (Jerusalem Post, February 26 & 27.)


CAIRO TRIAL OF NGO WORKERS ADJOURNED TO APRIL—(Cairo) An Egyptian court has adjourned until April 26 the trial of dozens of democracy activists, including 16 Americans, following the opening session of a case that has strained US-Egypt relations. Forty-three foreign and Egyptian non-profit workers—including the son of the US transportation secretary—stand accused of receiving illegal funds from abroad and carrying out political activities unrelated to their civil society work. According to Khaled Suleiman, a lawyer acting against the defendants, the trial’s postponement will allow for more time to arrive at a diplomatic solution to the case. A senior US official confirmed that Washington and Cairo are holding “intense discussions” to resolve the crisis. Otherwise, Congress has threatened to cut off 1.5 b. in annual aid to Egypt. (Reuters, February 26.)


ISLAMISTS DOMINATE IN EGYPT’S UPPER HOUSE VOTE—(Cairo) The Muslim Brotherhood has won 58 percent of the seats contested in the Egyptian parliament’s upper house, known as the Shura Council, further solidifying its role as the country’s most powerful political group. Egypt’s election commission also confirmed that the ultraconservative Al-Nour party placed second, claiming a quarter of the seats, while liberal parties, including the Egyptian bloc and Wafd, came in third with a combined 12 percent of the seats. Two-thirds of the seats are filled by elections and the rest are appointed. The 270-seat upper house has no legislative powers and enjoys only a consultative role. (AFP, February 26.)


WIDESPREAD ATTACKS KILL DOZENS ACROSS IRAQ—(Baghdad) A barrage of explosions and drive-by shootings have killed and wounded dozens of people across Iraq. According to security officials, who provided a preliminary toll of at least 33 killed and 127 wounded, most of the attacks occurred in Baghdad and targeted security forces as well as civilian neighborhoods usually congested during early morning rush hour. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks; however, an audio statement issued last month, allegedly from the spokesman for an al Qaeda affiliate known as the Islamic State of Iraq, had vowed “open war” against the country’s Shiite-led government and warned that members of the country’s security forces would be targeted unless they quit their jobs. The terror group, which espouses a severe form of Sunni Islam, previously claimed responsibility for most of the bombings that have taken place in the country since the end of the U.S. military mission in December. (Wall Street Journal, February 23.)


US OFFICERS KILLED IN AFGHAN INTERIOR MINISTRY—(Kabul) NATO’s top commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen, citing “force protection reasons,” has recalled all staff working at ministries in Afghanistan’s capital after two high-ranking American officers were shot dead inside the Interior Ministry. Rage continues to grip Afghanistan over last week’s accidental burning of Korans at a US military base north of Kabul. The total death toll since riots broke out throughout stands at more than 30, with hundreds more injured. Numerous high-ranking US officials have apologized for the incident. (Reuters & LA Times, February 25.)


REPORT: ISRAEL’S SECURITY SITUATION WORST IN DECADES—(Jerusalem) According to a study released by Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, the Arab revolts and an emboldened Iran have created the most precarious security situation for Israel since the end of the Cold War. The report, “The 2011 Arab Uprisings and Israel’s National Security,” was authored by the center’s director, Prof. Efraim Inbar, who claims that Israel’s security environment is “worse now than at any time in the last two decades.” [Please see ‘On Topic’ section for the full report—Ed.] (Jerusalem Post, February 29.)


ISRAEL NAMES FIRST EVER ETHIOPIAN-BORN AMBASSADOR—(Jerusalem) Israel’s Foreign Ministry has announced the appointment of Beylanesh Zevadia as envoy to Ethiopia, the Jewish state’s first ever Ethiopian-born ambassador. Zevadia, 44, grew up in the village of Ambova in the Gondar province before making aliyah 28 years ago. After attending ulpan at Jerusalem’s Ulpan Etzion, Zevadia went to work for the Jewish Agency during Operation Moses, the airlift from November 21, 1984 to January 5, 1985 that brought some 8,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel. Zevadia previously served at Israel’s consulates in Houston and Chicago. (Jerusalem Post, February 28.)


CANADIAN MINISTER SUPPORTS ISRAELI-OWNED STORE—(Jerusalem) Jason Kenney, Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, has visited Lavan, a store in Vancouver which has been the target of anti-Israel demonstrators. Local pro-Arab groups have called for a boycott of the cosmetics store due to its sale of beauty products made in Israel’s Dead Sea. During his stop at Lavan, Kenney expressed the support of the Canadian government, and purchased a few products. Minister Kenney, along with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, is known for his staunch support for Israel. (Israel National News, February 24.)

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