On August 20, 1940 Winston Churchill, Great Britain’s new Prime Minister, addressing Parliament as the desperate Battle of Britain continued, with the final victory of the RAF over the Luftwaffe’s assault against England still in the balance, said of Fighter Command, “Never on the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few”.
This speech, which rallied the British nation facing a Nazi cross-channel invasion should the Battle have been lost, is directly applicable today to the valiant soldiers and pilots of the Israel Defense Forces. With an attention to civilian casualties, at the risks of their own increased losses, unknown in the annals of Western warfare, the IDF is defending Israel from the Hamas terrorists’ sustained rocket and tunnel assault on the civilian population. Let us salute our brave Israeli infantry, tankers, fighter-pilots and Iron Dome personnel who, subject to an unbelievable wave of viciously unbalanced media and “international community” blindness and hypocrisy, are bravely and indefatigably defending Israel and the Jewish people.
Once again, never have so many owed so much to so few; and once again, in the face of Hamas’ genocidal antisemitic campaign, we Jews repeat, “Never again!”