CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Erol Araf: J’ACCUSE!

I accuse all those who exploit Israel’s legitimate war of self defense against a murderous theocracy of creating  an ecosystem of anti-Semitism not seen since the days of the Third Reich.


I accuse all western leaders who blame the resurgence of anti Semitism in their countries on Israel’s defensive war of displaying  appalling judgment given the fact that it never occurs to them to suggest that the beheading of their citizens in their nation’s capitals or the bombing of their transportation systems by Islamists would engender Islaomophobia. On the contrary, quite rightly, after every outrage, they warn against anti Muslim agitation and violence, explaining that ordinary peaceful Muslims cannot be held accountable for Isalamist terrorism.  Only the Jews, it seems, are responsible for the resurgence of anti Semitism for having the audacity of defending themselves! Blaming the rise of anti Semitism in their countries on the War in Gaza is a variation on the theme that Jews were “responsible for the Second World War and consequently they got what they deserved.” Using the war to explain the reasons behind the recrudescence of anti Semitism is tantamount to justifying the oldest hatred.


I accuse all those who seek to establish moral equivalence between Hamas: a terrorist organization, which started this conflict –  having never stopped in the first place –  by attacking Israeli civilians while hiding among its own people, and Israel: a democracy, defending her people from such onslaughts of being ethically challenged.    


I accuse all those who blame Israel for the death of Palestinian civilians of intellectual dishonesty when they dismiss the Palestinian representative to the UN Human Rights Council who has admitted that “each and every” Palestinian missile now being launched against Israeli civilian centers constitutes “a crime against humanity,” that, by contrast, Israel’s own response actions in Gaza “followed the legal procedures” because, as Hamas spokespersons admitted on TV, “the Israelis warned them to evacuate their homes before the bombardment; but, however, as for the missiles launched from our side, we never warn anyone about where these missiles are about to fall or about the operations we carry out.”

I accuse the United Nations “Human Rights Council” of failing to condemn Hamas unequivocally for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity by launching missiles against Israeli civilians.

I accuse the United Nations “Human Rights Council” of willfully as well as systematically ignoring all conventions, statutes and customary international law which render Hamas’ demonstrable use of human shields a clear and deliberate violation of international law.

I accuse the United Nations “Human Rights Council” of refusing to state clearly and forcefully that under international law, the responsibility for civilian Palestinian casualties rests with Hamas as  “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime subject to prosecution before the International Criminal Court.


I accuse the United Nations “Human Rights Council” of  maliciously failing to acknowledge the clear stipulations of the Rome Statute of the ICC that the doctrine of “proportional response,” in legitimate self defense,  does not apply to “terror attacks on the civilian population, or area bombardments that by their very nature do not differentiate between military objectives and civilian targets.”


I accuse all those who justify Hamas’ genocidal attacks on the basis of alleged Israeli “occupation,” “siege,” and “blockade” of distorting and torturing the meaning of simple words beyond recognition. Israel withdrew from Gaza, removed even its cemeteries and left residents with 3000 hothouses to develop their agricultural industries poised to enjoyed duty free access to the EEC. Instead, Hamas turned Gaza into Dante’s inferno with its murderous “mission statement” predicated on “killing Jews.” The sole purpose of legally sanctioned controls imposed by Israel is to prevent the inflow of advanced Iranian and North Korean missiles.


I accuse all those who allege that Israel’s blockade of Gaza being “illegal under international law” of being willfully ignorant of the UN Palmer Report which stated that Israel’s “naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.”


I accuse all those statesmen who constantly refer to the need for resolving the  “underlying causes” of the current conflict of unprecedented ineptitude as  “addressing” Hamas’ demands for lifting the restrictions at Gaza’s border crossings with Israel and Egypt and allowing terrorists to build airports and harbors, far from establishing  “peace and stability” would, in fact, render the next war cataclysmic.


I accuse all those Hamas advocates of destroying the foundation of the Two States Solution as a genocidal terrorist group armed with modern missiles, ready and willing to attack civilians in nearly all Israeli cities, would never be part of the solution but would remain at the core of the problem.


I accuse all those statesmen who fail to state the obvious that without the full demilitarization of all Palestinian territories – as agreed  in the Oslo Accords –  of terminal strategic myopia.  

I accuse all those who refuse to acknowledge that Hamas used 600 000 tons of cement not for build hospitals and schools but instead for constructing a cobweb of underground tunnels reaching deep into Israel with the sole objective of massacring Israeli civilians of aiding and abetting Hamas’ commission of crimes against humanity.
I accuse all those who disseminate falsehoods about the alleged “strangulation” of Gaza – when it is a demonstrable fact of life that Israel provides Gaza with water, electricity, currency and full access to every imaginable commodity except missiles – of justifying the murder of Israeli civilians.


I accuse all those to charge Israel with committing genocide of calumny as Israeli air power could have pulverized Gaza, conventionally, in a matter of minutes without losing the life of single Israeli soldier.

I accuse all those in international media complicity in Hamas’  war on Israel of professional malpractice for refusing to report honestly about documented evidence relating to Hamas missile attacks from the midst of civilian installations in Gaza.


I accuse all those in the international media of disseminating “blood libels” against Israel when they portray the carnage caused by malfunctioning Hamas missiles as “examples” of Israeli war crimes notwithstanding that compelling satellite imagery proving the contrary is readily available.


I accuse all those in the international media who mendaciously refuse to report Hamas’ strategic decision to break six cease fire agreements with the sole objective of prolonging the conflict but instead brazenly blame Israel for retaliating of becoming advocates of terror instead of dispassionately and professionally reporting on the war. 


I accuse of shameful duplicity all those countries that withdrew their ambassadors from Israel on the basis of alleged “massacres” when these countries have not even considered recalling their diplomats from Damascus or from the capitals of other countries which are charter members of the International Human Rights Hall of Shame.


I accuse all civil aviation authorities of hypocrisy for issuing restrictions, bans and advisories concerning air travel to Israel after a Hamas missile, aimed on purpose at civilian aircrafts, fell harmlessly in a field far way from Ben Gurion Airport given the fact that no such calls were made during and after the Islamist attack on Karachi airport which resulted in the destruction of aircraft, airport facilities and death of 36 persons as gun battles raged between Pakistani special forces and the terrorists with passengers hiding in bathrooms.       

Emil Zola concluded his famous letter titled J’accuse, written in protest against the injustice inflicted on Captain Alfred Dreyfus, with the following words:  “As for the people I am accusing, I do not know them, I have never seen them, and I bear them neither ill will nor hatred. To me they are mere entities, agents of harm to society.


Indeed, all those who single out Israel, the new Jew, for special opprobrium, slander, libel and accuse her of crimes she has never committed, “are mere entities and agents of harm to society.”


They shall not prevail.

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