CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


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AS WE GO TO PRESS: GAZA TRUCE IN TATTERS AS HAMAS, ISRAELIS CLASH (Jerusalem) —A cease-fire meant to last three days and lead to talks on a more durable peace in the Gaza Strip collapsed shortly after it began Friday as heavy fighting erupted between Israeli forces and Hamas. The Israeli military said a suicide bomber blew himself up as its forces were trying to plug up tunnels near the southern Gaza city of Rafah, and an Israeli soldier was missing and may have been captured during the ensuing battle. A Hamas official said the group was holding an Israeli soldier. Two Israeli soldiers were killed in the clash, the military said. Gaza’s Health Ministry said at least 35 people, mostly women and children, were killed in Israeli airstrikes around Rafah. The death toll was expected to rise after rescuers reached areas still embroiled in fighting. (Wall Street Journal, Aug. 1, 2014)




Winning a Lose/Lose War: Victor Davis Hanson, National Review, July 29, 2014— Once again neighboring enemies are warring in diametrically opposite ways.

Hatred of Jews is Fuelling Protests Across the Western World: Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, July 30, 2014 — …France now has more than six million Muslims and two weeks ago Arab protesters — some chanting “death to Jews” — attacked synagogues, torched cars and burned Jewish shops in Sarcelles, a suburb of Paris dubbed “Little Jerusalem”.

Paris’s Kristallnacht: Guy Millière, Dreuz, July 28, 2013— Whenever Israel is attacked by terrorist movements and needs to defend itself, “leftist” and Islamist organizations organize anti-Israel protests in Paris.

Italy Suddenly Gets Ugly for Jews: Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast, July 29, 2014 — There is still a faint black stain in the shape of a swastika on the Jewish memorial plaque along the Via Lungara near the Vatican in Rome.

‘We Were Incredibly Stupid’: Shlomo Avineri, Israel Matzav, July 13, 2014 —The initiators of Oslo and the process’ supporters saw the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a conflict between two national movements, and believed – as I believed – that in direct negotiations between Israel and the PLO, a solution could be found to the territorial and strategic issues that are the source of the dispute between the two movements.


On Topic Links


To the Students for Justice in Palestine, a Letter From an Angry Black Woman: Chloe Valdary, Tablet, July 28, 2014

Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews (Video): Palwatch, 2014

Hillel Neuer Destroys Al Jazeera Panel on “Israeli war crimes”(Video): UNWatch, July 28, 2014

The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation — Some Pertinent Legal Points: Amb. Alan Baker, JCPA, July 24, 2014

More Than a Military Conflict in Letter for Gaza: Nathan M. Stall, MD, et al, July 22, 2014

In Quebec’s Media, Israel is Always the Aggressor: Lise Ravary, National Post, July 30, 2014


WINNING A LOSE/LOSE WAR                                                           Victor Davis Hanson                                                                                            National Review, July 29, 2014


Once again neighboring enemies are warring in diametrically opposite ways. Hamas sees the death of its civilians as an advantage; Israel sees the death of its civilians as a disaster. Defensive missiles explode to save civilians in Israel; in Gaza, civilians are placed at risk of death to protect offensive missiles. Hamas wins by losing lots of its people; Israel loses by losing a few of its own. Hamas digs tunnels in premodern fashion; Israel uses postmodern high technology to detect them. Hamas’s missiles usually prove ineffective; Israel’s bombs and missiles almost always hit their targets. Quiet Israeli officers lead from the front; loud Hamas leaders flee to the rear. Incompetency wins sympathy; expertise, disdain.


Westerners romanticize the Hamas cause; fellow Arabs of the Gulf do not. Westerners critical of Israel are still willing to visit Israel; sympathizers of Hamas do not wish to visit Gaza. Democracy and free markets bring Westerners liberty, human rights, and prosperity — but many Westerners scorn these things in Israel, siding with those who deny human rights, ruin their economy, and practice a brutal prejudice against women, gays, and non-Muslims. In Gaza, a gay reporter, a female reporter with bare arms, a reporter with a small crucifix around his neck, the rare journalist who, surrounded by screaming Hamas supporters, dares to broadcast the truth from Gaza — all these in private would admit to being in fear while they are in Gaza in a way they are not when in Israel. If 1,000 Arabs a week are killed by other Arabs in Syria and Iraq — whether bombed, shot, gassed, or beheaded — the Western world snoozes. If 400 Arabs are killed in a three-week war with Israel, that world suddenly awakes to damn Israelis as killers. Apparently the West, in racist fashion, assumes that killing one another is what Arabs do best. But when Israelis kill those who wish to kill them, outrage follows.


When Israel wins militarily, it seems to lose politically. When Hamas loses, it seems to win. A European may like the idea of Westerners’ losing to non-Westerners, as long as it is not himself who loses. Europeans do not protest much when Vladimir Putin carves up Georgia or swallows Crimea. When Russian surrogates shoot down a passenger plane carrying many Europeans, Europe nonetheless stays mostly quiet. There are no protests in Paris over the divided city of Nicosia and the harsh Turkish occupation of Cyprus, which has lasted four decades now. No one in Berlin objects that Russia occupies the Sakhalin Islands or China has absorbed Tibet. Europeans assume that the strong who could hurt them can dictate as they wish. Seventy years ago 13 million German-speakers lost their eastern lands and walked back into Germany; their descendants are not considered refugees. At the same time hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled into the West Bank; their offspring are considered perpetual refugees. If Jews, rather than Poles, were now living on formerly Prussian land in Poland, then, given the prevalence of anti-Semitism, a German “refugee” movement to take back sacred soil would be in full force…


What explains the inexplicable? Western illness. Hamas is deserving of sympathy while al-Qaeda mostly is not, largely because of the feeling that the former cannot do much to Americans, and the latter might do a lot. Westerners, particularly Europeans, sympathize with the underdog in the Middle East as a sort of self-flagellation, a catharsis to deal with their own empty privilege. Postmodern Westerners are guilty about their affluence and leisure, but not to the point of surrendering them. They square the circle of criticizing what they are by projecting their self-animus onto Israel, a small, successful Western outpost surrounded by the less successful Other. Timidity explains much of the Europeans’ easy damnation of Israel. Putin escapes the disdain accorded to Netanyahu, because Netanyahu governs a small nation and is predictably reasonable; Putin governs a large one and is predictably unreasonable. Trashing Putin might involve some risk; trashing Netanyahu brings psychological relief. If Israel were large and Netanyahu demonic, and if Russia were small and Putin Westernized and reasonable, then our cheap scorn would be leveled at Russia and not Israel.


There is no cultural downside in championing Hamas. The multicultural romance of the Other trumps even the endemic misogyny, homophobia, and religious bigotry of this particular Other. Seeing ourselves in Israel and not liking what we see outweighs the fact that Israel is tolerant, transparent, and free. Anti-Semitism still matters. The growing crowds of Middle Easterners in Europe are now channeling the Nazis of the 1930s; they chant slogans not heard since the Third Reich. Europe, where the Holocaust gestated, is not outraged; apparently, in some sick way, Europeans are aware that Arabs are saying things in their streets that they cannot say but may increasingly wish to. A European shrugs when all of Crimea is swallowed up, but is enraged that Israel patrols the West Bank.


Is there a solution to these multiple paradoxes? For all the hypocrisies in the West and in the Middle East, human nature remains constant — opportunistic, fearful, and fickle. If Israel blows up Hamas’s tunnels, dismantles its arsenals, destroys its missiles, devastates its military, and leaves Hamas weak and discredited, the world will quietly turn its attention away in a sort of grudging admiration of Israel’s success, with an unspoken conclusion that Hamas may have gotten what it asked for. And those left amid the wreckage that Hamas brought upon them will among themselves blame Hamas as much as Israel for their miseries — in the tradition in which losers blame their own dictators as much as they blame the victors. But if Israel panics, retreats from Gaza under a premature ceasefire with Hamas ascendant, and, as a victim, hunkers down under a rain of missiles, then the protests will only intensify and the world will shrug that Israel is suffering what it deserves. At least up to a point, opportunism, not morality, guides public opinion…

[To Read the Full Article Click the Following Link—Ed.]



HATRED OF JEWS IS FUELLING PROTESTS ACROSS THE WESTERN WORLD                                             

Andrew Bolt                                                                                            

Herald Sun, July 30, 2014


…France now has more than six million Muslims and two weeks ago Arab protesters — some chanting “death to Jews” — attacked synagogues, torched cars and burned Jewish shops in Sarcelles, a suburb of Paris dubbed “Little Jerusalem”. Germany now has four million Muslims. Arab and Turkish protesters were this month filmed shouting “Gas the Jews” and other Jew-hating slogans and a Berlin imam, Sheik Abu Bilal Ismail, was filmed at his mosque preaching: “Oh Allah, destroy the Zionist Jews … Count them and kill them to the very last one. Don’t spare a single one of them.” The Netherlands has almost one million Muslims and protesters in The Hague this month chanted “Death to the Jews” in Arabic, while some waved the black flags of the Islamic State terrorist group. The home of Holland’s chief rabbi was pelted with rocks. Belgium has 700,000 Muslims and in Liège this month a Turkish shop showed a sign that read: “Dogs are allowed in this establishment, but Jews are not under any circumstances.” Two months ago four Jews were shot dead at the Jewish Museum in Brussels, allegedly by a French Muslim. Austria has 500,000 Muslims, and this month Arab protesters invaded a soccer game involving an Israeli team, kicking players and waving Palestinian flags. Even in Sydney this month, Greens senator Lee Rhiannon told an anti-Israel crowd that Israel was guilty of “war crimes”, while protesters waved the black flags of jihad and the yellow flags of the Hezbollah terrorist group. Meanwhile, Greens MPs back boycotts of businesses with links to Israel and the Sydney Morning Herald last weekend printed a cartoon of a hook-nosed Jew on a couch gleefully using his remote to bomb Gaza, above a column claiming Jews should have been taught a lesson by the Holocaust against committing “these atrocities”. But, like I said, this is not really about Gaza, where Israel is fighting Hamas terrorists who have fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians in the past two months — and keep firing even during ceasefires.


Yes, these pictures of dead Palestinian children are horrifying. They are meant to be, which is why Hamas shoots from among its civilians and orders them to ignore Israeli warnings to move clear of targets. That is also why the United Nations has found missiles hidden in at least three schools it runs in Gaza and why Hamas so pointlessly launches them at Israeli cities — to provoke Israel into exactly this self-defence against an enemy whose stated aim is to destroy it. Then when Israel does shoot back, cue protests and riots around the world to exhaust the West’s willingness to defend not just Israel but Jews generally.


Don’t tell me these protests are about Israel’s “blockade” of Gaza, which actually has a border with Egypt porous enough to let Hamas smuggle in thousands of rockets. Don’t tell me they’re about Israel’s “occupation” when Israel does not occupy an inch of Gaza. And especially don’t tell me these protests are about Israel’s “war crimes” or “murders”. No, if these protests are really against killing Muslims — and not against Jews — then where are the protests over the 2000 Syrians killed by other Muslims in the past two weeks? If these protests are really against barbarism, then where is the outrage over the Muslims who this month had their heads hacked off by Islamic State militants in Syria’s Raqqa and impaled on a fence? If these protests are against crimes against children, then where are the marches against the Boko Haram terrorists who cut the throats of schoolboys and enslaved nearly 300 schoolgirls in April? If these protests are about alleged “apartheid” policies, then where are the petitions denouncing the Islamic State for destroying Mosul’s ancient Christian community this month by demanding Christians convert, flee or die? And where are the protests against Muslims slaughtering Muslims in Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, where 5500 civilians have been killed this year? Or is killing a Muslim only an international outrage when a Jew does it in self-defence? Is the only good Jew one who let himself be killed?


                                              PARIS’S KRISTALLNACHT

Guy Millière                                                               Gatestone Institute, July 22, 2014


Whenever Israel is attacked by terrorist movements and needs to defend itself, “leftist” and Islamist organizations organize anti-Israel protests in Paris. One of the latest took place on July 13. The event brought together between 10,000 and 30,000 people — not surprising in a country where “leftist” and Islamist organizations are strong. The demonstrators shouted hateful and violent slogans against Israel and held Israeli flags on which swastikas replaced the Star of David — also not surprising. Events organized by “leftists” and by Islamists usually carry such gear. The demonstrators also shouted purely anti-Semitic slogans; the call for “Death to Jews” was picked up by the crowd. This was the first time since the end of World War II that explicitly anti-Semitic chants were shouted by a large crowd in Paris (During a demonstration in January, protesters shouted, “Jews, France does not belong to you”). Demonstrators shouted, “Hamas will win,” in support of the jihadist terrorist organization. This was also the first time that slogans openly favoring a jihadist terrorist organization were shouted by a large crowd in Paris (During earlier demonstrations, protesters shouted “Palestine will win,” but did not point to Hamas). Demonstrators also shouted slogans in favor of a man who had murdered Jewish children: “We are all Mohamed Merah.” Merah shot and killed a rabbi and three Jewish children at close range in a schoolyard in Toulouse in 2012; it was the one of the most serious anti-Semitic acts committed in France since the Vichy regime. This was the first time in France that a large crowd proudly identified with a murderer of Jewish children.


The demonstration started in the 18th Arrondissement of Paris (metro station Barbès Rochechouart), close to where Islamic preachers organized street prayers a few months ago; it ended near Place de la Bastille. Dozens of windows of Jewish shops and restaurants along the route were broken and covered with yellow labels saying, “boycott Israel”. This was the first time that so many Jewish shops and restaurants were attacked during a demonstration in Paris. In addition, several hundred protesters armed with iron bars, machetes, axes and firebombs, arriving Place de la Bastille, marched to the nearby Don Isaac Abravanel Synagogue on rue de la Roquette. They shouted, “Let’s slay the Jews,” “Hitler was right,” and “Allahu Akbar”. Only six police officers were on hand, who were quickly overwhelmed. Members of Jewish defense organizations protected the 200 Jews present inside the synagogue. Even after police reinforcements arrived, the synagogue was besieged for nearly two hours. The Jews, prisoners of a potentially lethal horde, were locked inside…


This was the first time since World War II that an anti-Semitic pogrom took place in France. In an attempt to address the distress of the Jewish community, the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, denounced anti-Semitism in general terms. He said he would strengthen the protection of “places of worship,” synagogues and mosques — although no mosque was attacked. Although the government banned the next demonstration, scheduled for July 19, it took place anyway, and soon turned into a riot…Witnesses spoke of the atmosphere of a civil war, and photographers spoke of a “French intifada”. The slogans shouted by the rioters were the same as the previous week: “Death to Jews” mingled with “Death to Israel” and “Long live Hamas.” Many who threw stones and Molotov cocktails shouted, “Allahu Akbar,” just as the attackers of the synagogue on July 13 had done. Even though there were no synagogues or Jews nearby, and no protester shouted, “Let’s slay the Jews” or “Hitler was right,” what happened in Paris on July 19 was as frightful as what had happened the week before…


The day after the riots, July 20, Prime Minister Manuel Valls again denounced the “danger of anti-Semitism”. July 20th was also the anniversary of the “Vel d’Hiv Round-up” — the mass arrest of Jews in Paris in 1942 by the French police under the supervision of the Nazis. But Valls said nothing about the anti-Semitic and jihadist dimension of the riots. Some conservative politicians criticized the lack of firmness of the government. Leaders of the rightist National Front said that the government was responsible for the violence and had undermined “freedom of expression.” At the exact moment Manuel Valls spoke, rioters started to ransack the suburb with the largest Jewish population on the outskirts of Paris: Sarcelles. All the Jewish stores and many cars were wrecked or set on fire. A group shouting “Allahu Akbar” again tried to burn the town’s synagogue. Again, most rioters were Muslim. Again, most shouted, “Death to the Jews.”


All French politicians are ready to condemn anti-Semitism in general terms (except members of the National Front); none are ready to call the anti-Semitism that is exploding in France today by its name: Islamic anti-Semitism. All French politicians, left or right (except members of the National Front), have the same attitude about what happened on July 13, 19 and 20. This attitude can be summed up in one sentence, used by the French President, François Hollande: “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot import itself into France.” No French politician would dare say that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is already present in France, and that, among Muslim populations, Islamic anti-Semitism is inextricably mixed with an absolute hatred of Israel and Jews. Almost all French politicians adopt an attitude of appeasement toward the enemies of Israel and Jews. They never define Hamas as an Islamic terrorist organization. They close their eyes to the anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish hate speech disseminated by the enemies of Israel in the Middle East, and to the irony that France finances that speech. They act as if they did not see that the hate speech France finances in the Middle East is now spreading throughout France…


The attitude of French politicians reflects the sorry state of French society. All the riots that erupted in France during the last decade were the result of minor incidents, but showed that France is on the verge of a large-scale explosion. French politicians want to avoid a large-scale explosion. They are scared and paralyzed. French politicians also know that France’s Muslim population now amounts to 15% of its total population and that radical Islamist organizations are particularly well established. The Union of Islamic Organizations of France (UOIF), the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, is the main French Muslim organization; it attracts tens of thousands of people in each of its annual meetings and openly lends political support to Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. French politicians do not want a confrontation with the UOIF. French politicians also know that more than 750 neighborhoods in France are considered “no go zones” by the police, and that the authorities have lost control of them. They also know that 70% of all inmates in the French prison system are Muslim , and that self-proclaimed imams and gang leaders have taken over many prisons. They know that these prisons have been transformed into recruiting centers for jihadists, and that regaining control of these prisons is an almost impossible task. Mohamed Merah and Mehdi Nemmouche, the Brussels Jewish Museum killer, became jihadists while in French prisons. French politicians know, as well, that more than 800 French Muslims are being trained in the Islamic State, in Iraq and Syria. They know that Muslims vote. Eight million Muslims clearly have greater political weight than do four hundred thousand Jews.


The major French media are also scared and paralyzed. Criticizing radical Islam on French television is now almost impossible. Organizations fighting “Islamophobia” are extremely vigilant and extremely well funded. Defending Israel on French television is also almost impossible. Members of the Israeli government are never interviewed on French television. Representatives of Palestinian and “pro-Palestinian” organizations are regularly invited and can lie without ever being contradicted. Reports on right-wing anti-Semitism are abundant. Reports on Islamic Jew-hatred are non-existent. The Global Anti-Semitism Index recently published by the Anti Defamation League shows that 37% of the French population can be considered anti-Semitic. It is likely that the proportion of anti-Semites among French Muslims is far higher.

A poll for the BBC in 2012 showed that 75% of the French have a negative view of Israel. It is likely that the proportion among French Muslims is, again, far higher.


The prevalent sentiment among French Jews is that a page has been turned. The French Jewish philosopher Shmuel Trigano wrote on July 16th that what is happening is a sign that Jews must leave France, fast. “Recent events are likely to play the role that such events have played in the past for the Jews in many countries: a strong symbolic event gives the signal that the Jews have no future in the country that was theirs”…On July 21, Meyer Habib, a MP representing French citizens living in Israel, said that “an atmosphere of Kristallnacht” spreads over the country. Many French Jews agree.



ITALY SUDDENLY GETS UGLY FOR JEWS                                                          Barbie Latza Nadeau                                                                                                                        Daily Beast, July 29, 2014


There is still a faint black stain in the shape of a swastika on the Jewish memorial plaque along the Via Lungara near the Vatican in Rome.  The plaque marks the spot where Rome’s Jews were held until they could be transferred in cattle cars to Auschwitz, and the inscription says simply, poignantly:  “The 16th of October 1943 whole families of Roman Jews dragged from their homes by the Nazis were concentrated in this building and deported to the extermination camps. Of one thousand persons only sixteen survived.”


Someone tried to scrub the October 16 plaque clean, but over the past few nights across Rome more than 70 disturbing hate messages were scrawled with black and red paint on Jewish businesses and throughout the so-called Jewish Ghetto around the city’s main synagogue. Phrases like “Anne Frank Was A Liar,” “Dirty Jews,” “Jews your end is near,” and “Israel executioner” were written in spray paint alongside Celtic crosses and rows and rows of swastikas.


“It’s like 1933,” Riccardo Pacifici, the head of Rome’s Jewish community, told reporters. “This morning Rome woke up in the worst possible way. Its walls have been defaced by dozens of graffiti praising neo-Nazi hatred towards Jews.” Rome’s streets are the latest in Europe to become bulletin boards for anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic sentiment. But unlike hate events in France, which have become violent and often involve the children of immigrants with Muslim backgrounds who claim Palestinian sympathies, Italian anti-Semitism is being blamed on Italians of European descent. Italy’s counterterrorism law enforcement agency DIGOS (Divisione Investigazioni Generali e Operazioni Speciali) says that the extreme right and extreme left wings of the Italian political spectrum have joined forces to spread the hate, issuing an alert warning, “There is new solidarity between the opposite extremists.” Police will be studying footage from surveillance cameras that captured many of the anti-Semitic perpetrators in the act. According to a report by DIGOS published in the Italian press, most appear to be young men…


Rome has the oldest Jewish community in all of Europe and one of the oldest continuous settlements in the world, but the country still struggles with its anti-Semitic past.  There have been a number of attacks against Jewish interests over the last few years. In 2012, more than a dozen Italians belonging to the group “ultras” were arrested after attacking Jewish fans of England’s Tottenham football club in Rome’s Campo dei Fiori. They wielded baseball bats and knives, yelling “Jews, Jews, Jews” as they carried out the attacks.


Police have also closed down a number of white supremacist private clubs in Rome, which reportedly were decorated with swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans associated with “Blocco Studentesco,” which is the youth movement of Italy’s Casa Pound, which shares sympathies with Italy’s historic radical right-wing extremist parties.   Even popular politicians harbor old prejudices. Just last week Gianni Vattimo, a former European Parliamentarian and self-described Marxist philosopher, told Italy’s state radio station that “Israel is a bit worse than the Nazis,” and that he’d “like to shoot those bastard Zionists.” He also called upon the European community to pool resources to “buy Hamas some more rockets.”  Rome’s mayor, Ignazio Marino, expressed his solidarity with Rome’s Jewish community. “The anti-Semitic graffiti that appeared today in different areas of the city are a disgrace and an insult to all Romans,” he said. “Rome wants and needs to be a capital of dialogue and peace, not a barbaric battleground.”



 ‘WE WERE INCREDIBLY STUPID’                                                    Shlomo Avineri                                                                                                     Israel Matzav, July 13, 2014


The initiators of Oslo and the process’ supporters saw the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a conflict between two national movements, and believed – as I believed – that in direct negotiations between Israel and the PLO, a solution could be found to the territorial and strategic issues that are the source of the dispute between the two movements. It was not simple to persuade Israelis – and even the Labor party – that there was a national movement on the other side, and that although it had terrorist aspects, at heart it is entitled to fulfill its independent national self-definition, just like Zionism. The viewpoints of Golda Meir on the subject (“there is no Palestinian nation”) have not been forgotten, and the fact that the initiators of Oslo managed to overcome this tradition of denial, to which even the Labor party was a partner, was an accomplishment.  But the basis of this concept had a mistake. All of those who supported the Oslo process believed that we were talking about a dispute between two national movements, and that the other side felt the same way. We were mistaken…

[To Read the Full Article Click the Following Link—Ed.]


CIJR Wishes All its Friends and Supporters Shabbat Shalom!



On Topic


To the Students for Justice in Palestine, a Letter From an Angry Black Woman: Chloe Valdary, Tablet, July 28, 2014—The student organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is prominent on many college campuses, preaching a mantra of “Freeing Palestine.”

Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews (Video): Palwatch, 2014

Hillel Neuer Destroys Al Jazeera Panel on “Israeli war crimes”(Video): UNWatch, July 28, 2014

The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation — Some Pertinent Legal Points: Amb. Alan Baker, JCPA, July 24, 2014—Much is being written and spoken about in the international media and by leaders in the international community regarding the recent violence between the Hamas terror entity in the Gaza Strip and Israel, especially given the graphic pictures displayed by the various media sources.

More Than a Military Conflict in Letter for Gaza: Nathan M. Stall, MD, et al, July 22, 2014— We too are doctors and scientists deeply saddened by the loss of life and human suffering occurring in Gaza and Israel.

In Quebec’s Media, Israel is Always the Aggressor: Lise Ravary, National Post, July 30, 2014—I won’t be writing about Israel for a while. At least not at home in Québec, where the time-honoured pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel bias in the media is now so strong that columnists like me who strive to offer a more balanced view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are symbolically marched out of town. Sometimes with a yellow star on their sleeve.













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Rob Coles, Publications Chairman, Canadian Institute for Jewish ResearchL’institut Canadien de recherches sur le Judaïsme,

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