Mahmoud Abbas at the UN, to paraphrase Julius Caesar, venit, vidit, sed non vincit, “He came, he saw, but he did not conquer”. His demand, wrapped rhetorically in the usual uncompromising narrative distortions and untruths, was that Palestine—while ignoring direct negotiations with Israel—be recognized by the Security Council as a fully sovereign state. Abbas was […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last Friday addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York, conveying Israel’s “hope for peace,” while reiterating that peace with the Palestinians can only be forged through direct negotiations between the parties. Netanyahu’s appeal followed Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’ remarks, deemed by Israeli Foreign Minster Avigdor Lieberman a […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Les Nations Unies ne devraient pas reconnaître une Palestine d’Apartheid, Judenrein et islamique. Alan M. Dershowitz, 22 septembre 2011 Adaptation française: Marc Brzustowski On demande aux Nations-Unies d’offrir aux Palestiniens le statut «d’État», dont on connaît, au moins, quelques objectifs. La question qui surgit, c’est de quel genre d’État […]
ABBAS: TIME FOR PALESTINIAN INDEPENDENCE Editorial Jerusalem Post, September 23, 2011 Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday said that “the time has come for Palestinian independence,” in a speech to the UN General Assembly, shortly after he officially submitted a request to the world body for recognition of Palestine as a full member state. […]
OBAMA AT THE UN, GIVING CONTEXT TO THE CONFLICT Herb Keinon Jerusalem Post, September 21, 2011 It took some 34 months, but on Wednesday at the UN Israel finally heard the speech it wanted to hear from US President Barack Obama. Gone were so many elements of previous Obama speeches on the Middle East that […]
Media-o-crity of the Week “There are Jews who are trending toward the Republican Party, some of it because of their misunderstanding of Obama’s policies in the Middle East, and some of it, quite frankly, for economic reasons. They feel they want to protect their wealth.”—Democratic congressman Henry Waxman, following Republican Bob Turner’s landslide victory […]
Canadian Institute for Jewish Research ATTENTION STUDENTS: STUDENT ISRAEL-ADVOCACY PROGRAM (2011-2012) Taking Back The Campus! –Frustrated with blatant anti-Israel sentiment on campus? –Feel at a loss when negative comments are made in class? –Want to demand a balanced discussion, but are shaky on your Middle East facts? If so, CIJR's Student […]
AVIGDOR LIEBERMAN: PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD WOULD SET A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT [National PostManaging Editor for Comment], Jonathan Kay, sat down with Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman during his recent visit to Toronto. Below is an edited transcript of their conversation: Kay: If the Palestinians get what they want at the United Nations General Assembly, how will […]
THE PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD GAMBIT Editorial Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2011 Are Palestinians entitled to a state? Before certain readers erupt at the mere suggestion that Palestinians may not be so entitled, we’d note that the Kurds—one of the oldest ethnic groups in the world—don’t have a state. Neither do the Tamils of Sri Lanka, […]
ÉLOGE DE LA LUTTE ANTITERRORISTE MUSCLÉE DE LA VILLE DE NEW YORK Daniel Pipes National Review Online, 13 septembre 2011 Version originale anglaise: In Praise of NYC's Muscular Counterterrorism Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert Les organismes américains d'application de la loi ont généralement réagi au 11 septembre par […]
“Let me give it to you straight. I believe that President Obama exhibited great hostility to the state of Israel and to its Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu. So I said, what we should do is frame the issue; those people who are upset with Obama’s position on Israel…should vote against the Democrats.”—Former New York City […]
PALESTINIAN LEADERS TO SEEK THE U.N.’S BLESSING Clifford D. May National Review, September 1, 2011 Late this month, leaders of the Palestinian Authority are expected to issue a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) and ask, in the words of PA foreign minister Nabil Shaath, that it receive “the blessing of the U.N.” That blessing will […]
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