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Isranet Daily Briefing
ARAB SPRING DRIFTS INTO SUMMER STALEMATES Brian Murphy & Barbara Surk Huffington Post, July 14, 2011 Among the protest banners in Cairo’s Tahrir Square was a hand-drawn map of the Arab Spring with black target symbols covering each country hit by anti-government uprisings since the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt were ousted earlier this […]
A DUMB AND DUMBER WAR IN LIBYA Victor Davis Hanson Real Clear Politics, July 14, 2011 Almost daily over the last four months we were told that Muammar Gadhafi was about ready to throw in the towel and give up. Libya, after all, is not a distant Afghanistan or Iraq with a population of […]
IRAN’S NUCLEAR THREAT IS ESCALATING William Hague Guardian, July 11, 2011 On 8 June, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation, Fereydoun Abbasi Davani, announced plans to triple Iran’s capacity to produce 20% enriched uranium, transferring enrichment from Natanz to the Fordo plant. Inside Iran this announcement by a discredited regime drew little comment […]
ISRAEL SHIFTS ON BORDERS AS U.N. VOTE LOOMS Joshua Mitnick Wall Street Journal, August 3, 2011 Israel signaled it was willing to negotiate with the Palestinians based on the 1967 border of the West Bank, injecting a potentially significant territorial concession into discussions aimed at restarting peace talks. Such a position would mark a […]
TISHA B’AV—AND THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL Baruch Cohen In loving memory of beloved Malca z’l Tisha B’Av—the ninth day of Av—a day of mourning, a symbol for all the disasters which occurred again and again to the Jewish people. Tisha B’Av, which commemorates the loss of Jewish independence, the first Temple destroyed in 586 […]
OBAMA’S ONLY POLICY Caroline B. Glick Jerusalem Post, August 5, 2011 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has explained repeatedly over the years that Israel has no Palestinian partner to negotiate with. So news reports this week that Netanyahu agreed that the 1949 armistice lines, (commonly misrepresented as the 1967 borders), will be mentioned in terms of […]
The month of September has come and gone, and the political “tsunami” that many predicted would devastate Israel never materialized. Instead, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’ attempt to gain a unilateral declaration of independence (“UDI”) at the United Nations was dampened by US president Barack Obama’s opposition to the move, and by Israeli Prime Minister […]
DECLARING A PALESTINIAN STATE WILL DERAIL THE PEACE PROCESS Miriam Ziv National Post, August 6, 2011 The Palestinian leadership has made clear its intentions to seek recognition of an independent Palestinian State at the United Nations this coming September. Some might question why such action would be detrimental to the peace process and therefore […]
TIME OUT David P. Goldman Tablet, July 20, 2011 “Time isn’t on Israel’s side” must be the most-repeated phrase in Israeli politics, in the Jewish state as well as in the Diaspora. It’s Kadima party leader Tzipi Livni’s refrain.… Ronald Lauder, the president of the World Jewish Congress, said so in a Jerusalem speech […]
STOPPING SYRIA’S SLAUGHTER STARTS WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA Editorial Washington Post, August 10, 2011 The attempt by Syria’s Bashar al-Assad to save himself by slaughter seems to be near a tipping point. A massive offensive launched by his regime on the eve of Ramadan appears to have pacified, at least for the moment, the restive […]
IRAQ’S ‘BLOODY MONDAY’ Rick Moran FrontPage, August 16, 2011 At least 80 people were killed and more than 350 injured when a coordinated series of bombs were set off across the length and breadth of Iraq on Monday. Believed to be the work of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQIR), the bombings have shaken the people’s […]
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