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Isranet Daily Briefing


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Violating the Holiness of God’s Camp: The Story of the Blasphemer:  Dr. Adrian Leveen,, Mar. 9, 2017— Reading through Leviticus can be a tedious experience. Details of sacrifice and ritual blur together until suddenly a story unceremoniously disrupts the book’s formulaic language. To make matters worse, the episode is obscure and violent: the account of the blasphemer (Leviticus 24:10-23). Its most perplexing verse (v. 11) announces that after an altercation with an Israelite man:

How Princeton Got Burned by Its Outreach to Iran:  Jay Solomon, Semafor, May 9, 2024
Buried Facts About the Gaza War:  Melanie Phillips, JNS, May 16, 2024
Finally, A Possible Explanation for Why Biden’s Iran Envoy Was Suspended:  Josh Rogan, Washington Post, May 7, 2024
The American Administration Is Guilty of Wishful Thinking Opinion:  Efraim Inbar, Jerusalem Post, May 15, 2024

For Further Reference:

Iran Envoy Malley Committed Crimes In Handling of Classified FBI Probes Whether Info:  Nahal Toosi and Joe Gould, Politico, May 10, 2024 — The FBI is investigating whether the Biden administration’s Iran envoy, Rob Malley, moved classified information onto his personal email, where it may have fallen into the hands of a foreign actor, according to a person briefed on the case and a letter from Republican lawmakers.
How Iran Used Its Ties to a Top Global NGO:  Jay Solomon, Semafor, Feb. 2, 2024 — In the spring of 2014, Iran’s then-foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, was drafting a new proposal to convince the international community to accept Tehran’s advancing nuclear program.
Princeton University Sticks with pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, pro-Terror Professor Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post,  May 10, 2024— The pressure is mounting on Princeton University in New Jersey after Iranian-Americans and students appeared at a demonstration in late April, urging the Ivy League institution’s president to fire academic Seyed Hossein Mousavian for his alleged role in the assassinations of over 20 Iranian dissidents.
George Soros Funneled More Than $50M To Iran-Sympathizer Groups Linked to Robert Malley Rich Calder and Mary Kay Linge, NY Post, Dec. 9, 2023 — Far-left billionaire George Soros has funneled more than $50 million to a network of Iran-sympathizer groups whose members have gained significant sway within the Biden White House — pushing to defang US sanctions on Tehran while advocating for a renewed nuclear deal.

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