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Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: TRUDEAU DECLARES ‘NATIONAL EMERGENCY’ (February 15, 2022)

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File:Parliament Hill during protest Freedom Convoy 2022.png - Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons File:Parliament Hill during protest Freedom Convoy 2022.png - Wikimedia Commons

Canada’s ‘Freedom Convoy’ Was on a Path to Nowhere—Until Its Critics Overplayed Their Hand:  Jonathan Kay, Fairforall Substack, Feb. 12, 2022


Oligarchy’s Response to the Freedom Convoy Bodes Ill for Them:  Roger Kimball, American Greatness, Feb. 12, 2022


Why Trudeau Declaring a National Emergency Should Have Been a Non Starter:  Greg Taylor, National Post, Feb. 14, 2022


What’s Happening in Ottawa Is Not Freedom, It’s Anarchy:  Peter MacKay and Vern White, National Post, Feb. 14, 2022


For Further Reference:

BREAKING: Premiers of 4 provinces OPPOSE Trudeau’s Use of Emergencies Act on Freedom Protesters:  Roberto Wakerell-Cruz, Post Millennial, Feb. 14, 2022 — Four premiers have stated their discontent with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reported decision to invoke the Emergencies Act.

Justin Trudeau’s Ceauşescu Moment:  Matt Taibbi, Substack, Feb. 10, 2022 — On the morning of the 21st of December, 1989, Romanian General Secretary Nicolae Ceaușescu was in a foul mood. The Berlin Wall had fallen, and Mikhail Gorbachev and George H.W. Bush had recently announced the end of the Cold War, making the end of Ceaușescu’s rule inevitable, though he couldn’t see this yet. Worse, his security leaders had just failed to violently put down protests in the city of Timisoara, a fact that enraged his wife Elena.

Truckers Speak for Millions – Tell Biden, Trudeau They Are Not The Enemy:  Liz Peak, Fox News, Feb. 14, 2022What if … Justin Trudeau had met with the truckers the day they first arrived in Ottawa?  

What the Truckers Want: Rupa Subramanya, Common Sense with Bari Weiss, Feb. 10, 2022 — For two weeks, the 18-wheelers, the semis, the tractors and the pick-up trucks streamed through the snow and ice into the center of Ottawa, the Canadian capital.

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