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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


“The word “Islamophobia” was popularized after 9/11 by the Muslim Brotherhood and its legacy groups to quell debate and discussion about Islam. Which is exactly what Zine’s report does by treating Muslim critiques of Islam as heresy.” — Raheel Raza
Last week’s Communiqué Isranet is Communique: Faut-il s’inquiéter de la réforme judiciaire de Yariv Levin? Deux perspectives.  This week’s Communiqué Isranet will be circulated on Mon. Jan. 23rd.

Spirits in a Material World:  Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy, Vaera 5776, 5783 — The Torah sometimes says something of fundamental importance in what seems like a minor and incidental comment. There is a fine example of this near the beginning of this parsha.



Another Israel Super-Critic Gets Funding from the Trudeau Liberals:  Barbara Kay, National Post, Dec. 31, 2023 — In 2022, it became clear that our federal government has an antisemitism-linked funding problem. 
Attempts to Undermine Research on the Violent Effects of Islamophobia Do a Disservice to All:  Jasmin Zine, National Post, Jan. 6, 2023 — After National Post columnist Barbara Kay attacked my recent report on Islamophobia in Canada, some friends said, “It’s Barbara Kay, why bother to respond?” 

Opposing Extremism Is Not Islamophobic, Despite What Recent Report Suggests:  Raheel Raza, National Post, Jan. 17, 2023
Despite What Activists Claim, There’s No ‘Islamophobia Industry’ in Canada: Barbara Kay, The Epoch Times, Dec. 23, 2022 
Canada’s Islamists Impede the Counterjihad While Seeking Taxpayer Monies:  Susannah Johnston, MEF, Jan. 13, 2023
Islamist Terror; Journalistic Error: Jeffrey Herf, Quillette, Dec. 2, 2022

Trial For Man Accused of Killing Afzaal Family Moved to Windsor:  Jane Sims,  The London Free Press, Jan. 11, 2023 — The highly anticipated Superior Court trial of a man accused of running down and killing four members of a London Muslim family will be held in Windsor.
There is No Islamophobia in Canada: Tarek Fatah, Toronto Sun, Jan. 16, 2021 — Where else in the world would a Catholic prime minister, the leader of its right-wing Christian Conservative opposition, the left-wing party headed by a turbaned Sikh and the head of a separatist party join the city’s mayor, the province’s premier and tens of thousands of ordinary citizens to condemn the horrific mass murder of a Muslim family, allegedly at the hands of home-schooled Christian man?
Canadian Gov Funds Report Attacking David Horowitz Freedom Center:  Daniel Greenfield, MEF Campus Watch, Dec. 29, 2022 — An imam prayed, “O Allah! Count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them”. A new report funded by the Canadian government claims that his critics are Islamophobes. The targets of the report include the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

A Mixed Reality for Canadian Jews; Michael Levitt, Toronto Star, Jan. 18, 2023 — Yes, indisputably, a disturbing number of Canadians have a problem with Jews. No, this isn’t new. Yes, we should be deeply concerned by growing antisemitism. No, Jews don’t have their suitcases packed and passports at the ready — at least not yet.

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