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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


bill hertha
what do I think — bill hertha | journey to the east
bill hertha what do I think — bill hertha | journey to the east

Rex Murphy, “Protests Expose Deep Divisions in Our Nation”:  Rex Murphy, National Post, Feb. 8, 2022 It is getting very rich, this protest. Rich and raw. Very much so; as each day passes and the protest deepens and extends to areas beyond its initial phase, the country is witness to a depth of division not seen in decades. The prime minister is nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be heard.

The Message of Canada’s Trucker Protest:  Editorial, WSJ, Feb. 9, 2022


Neo-Nazi Uprising or Slavic Dance Party?:  Adam Zivo, National Post, Feb. 8, 2022


 A Canadian Insurrection? It is to Laugh:  Rex Murphy, National Post, Feb. 2, 2022


Keep On Truckin’:  Bradley C.S. Watson, American Greatness, Feb. 1, 2022


For Further Reference:

Freedom Convoy: What to Know About the Trucker Protests in Canada:  Paul Vieira, WSJ, Feb. 9, 2022Since late January, downtown Ottawa has served as a parking lot for up to 500 heavy-duty trucks, pickup trucks and other vehicles, operated by individuals who say they are fed up with the social restrictions and vaccine mandates meant to contain the spread of Covid-19.

The Cavalry Rides in to Covidstan:  Mark Steyn, Steynonline, Feb. 7, 2022In Ottawa, attempts by agents provocateurs to provoke violence at the Freedom Rally have gone nowhere. So last night, “anti-hate” buffoon Bernie Farber, friend to censors everywhere, was reduced to hate-hoaxing for Justin by circulating “antisemitic flyers” sent to him by a “friend” “in Ottawa”. Inevitably, within moments, they were revealed to be from something entirely different in Florida some weeks ago. So, Bernie explained that his imaginary friend in Ottawa had seen actual hate flyers in Ottawa but had accidentally emailed him a similar flyer from America or something.

Canadian Provinces to Lift COVID Restrictions Amid Escalating Trucker Protests:  AP, Feb. 9, 2022 — A rapidly growing list of Canadian provinces moved to lift their COVID-19 restrictions as protesters decrying such measures kept up the pressure with truck blockades Wednesday in the capital and at key U.S. border crossings, including the economically vital bridge to Detroit.

Trudeau’s Own Party Is Starting to Turn on Him Over Covid Restrictions:  Andy Blatchford, Politico, Feb. 8, 2022 –A backbench lawmaker from Justin Trudeau’s own caucus is accusing the prime minister of dividing and stigmatizing Canadians by politicizing vaccine mandates and Covid-19 restrictions.

Texas Attorney General to Probe Gofundme for Removing Canada’s Trucker Convoy Fundraiser:  Saba Aziz, Global News, Feb. 9, 2022 — The attorney general of Texas plans to launch an investigation into GoFundMe’s decision to take down a fundraiser for Canada’s trucker convoy that has been protesting COVID-19 measures and vaccine mandates in the nation’s capital for the past 13 days.

New Leader of Canadian Conservative Party: Trudeau Liberals “Gaslighting” By Calling Truckers Nazis:  Real Clear Politics, Feb. 3, 2022 — In her first appearance in Question Period as interim leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Candice Bergen accuses the Trudeau Liberals of “classic gaslighting” when it comes to the “Freedom Convoy” Truckers’ protest in Ottawa. [Note Canada’s Minister of Finance Christia Freeland’s association of swastikas with Blacks; she didn’t reference Jews at all. – Ed.]

Bergen Tables Motion Seeking End to Mandates, Says Protesters Should Leave:  Noé Chartier, Epoch Times, Feb. 10, 2022 Interim Conservative leader Candice Bergen presented a motion today calling on the government to table a plan for the lifting of all federal mandates and restrictions while telling protesters encamped near Parliament Hill they’ve been heard and should leave.

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