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The Woke Army: Organized Against Israel

This is the logo for Council on American–Islamic Relations.- Wikipedia

Bob Goldberg
Jewish Journal, Mar. 22, 2023

“The woke army successfully identified Israel as the leading cause of oppression worldwide and enshrined anti-Zionists as the core of CRT doctrine and activity.”
To understand why undermining Israel is central to the woke agenda, read “The Woke Army: The Red-Green Alliance That is Destroying America’s Freedom,” a recently published book by Asra Nomani.

Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal investigative journalist, now reports and advocates against radical Islam, critical race theory, and everyday injustices. She didn’t intend to write “Woke Army.” Instead, Nomani was merely seeking the names of the individuals trolling and bullying her online in response to efforts to include women in Islamic prayer. In identifying her cowardly online assailants, Nomani uncovered a “wider network of ideologues using” the rhetoric and relationships of critical race theory to undermine Israel and American support for the Jewish state. She calls these people the “woke army.”

It includes academics, non-profit organizations, activists, politicians and so-called journalists, all coordinating with and getting support from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). As Nomani documents in her book, CAIR not only funded the individuals who cyber-stalked and threatened her. CAIR has also played a crucial role in getting politicians to participate in anti-Zionist activities and turning anti-Zionists into victims and a protected political class. As Nomani puts it, “CAIR is a critical part of a network that is anti-Semitic and has contempt for secular American values.”

The goal of the woke army is not to persuade or convince. Instead, it attacks, intimidates, insinuates, delegitimizes and de-platforms. It does not care for the truth. Rather, disinformation shapes every statement and effort, and each statement and action is designed to deliver the message that Israel needs to be eliminated.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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