CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


The Onslaught Against the Jews Is an Onslaught Against the West

Thousands march in London pro-Palestinian rally | SOURCE:  FMT | 
Creator: Alberto Pezzali 
Credit: AP

Melanie Phillips

Mosaic, Dec. 26, 2024

So how should we explain this? And what can we do about it?

There are three kinds of anti-Semites who matter: Muslims, liberals, and the hard left. There is a fourth group—the extreme right—but although this is a growing problem, it’s insignificant relative to the other three.

Once upon a time, the hard left wouldn’t have been given the time of day. Now, though, it’s on a roll because of the other two groups, Muslims and liberals. All three have created what’s known as the red-black alliance (black being the color of choice for Islamists). By liberals, I’m referring to traditional liberals and center-leftists—in other words the entire progressive world.

Muslims and liberal progressives are feeding off each other not just because they find common cause in attacking Israel and the Jewish people. Both are also finding common cause in attacking the West itself. We can only understand what’s happening if we realize that we’re looking at a worldwide war on both the Jews and the free world. The two are intimately connected. This is why.

The street demonstrations have been represented as either a protest for the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza or an attack on Israel. Both descriptions miss the point. ….SOURCE

This essay has been adapted from a speech given on December 8, 2024 at the Jewish Leadership Conference in New York. Melanie Phillips develops these ideas in her new book, The Builder’s Stone: How Jews and Christians Built the West—and Why Only They Can Save It, which will be published by Wicked Son on January 14

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