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The Never-Ending Story: A New Chapter Opens in the Epic Saga of the “Trump Effect”

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J.E. Dyer
The Optimistic Conservative, June 10, 2023

“… this entire thing was the work of the same institutions, and in many cases the same people, and was clearly not a reaction to anything Trump did, but a series of plans developed to simply make up cases against Trump and try to make them stick.”
On 4 June 2023, sundance at Conservative Treehouse posted an excellent article calling out a very important feature of the sequential efforts to take down Trump in Russiagate, Impeachment 1, and Impeachment 2.

The gist of the matter, linking Russiagate and Impeachment 1, is that after John Carlin left DOJ’s National Security Division just before the first FISA filing for the Carter Page surveillance, his successor was Mary McCord.  (I’m assuming these names are familiar to most readers, and for brevity here will not be going into lengthy explanations of who they are.  A bit more on Carlin will come in below.  CTH has a more extensive summary.)

McCord thus stepped into the FISA request chain of command.  Her chief counsel in NSD was Michael Atkison.

And, to keep a long story short, three years later, in 2019, the same Atkison had become the Intelligence Community IG (ICIG), the man who handled the supposed “whistleblower’s” complaint about the Trump-Zelensky phone call that eventually turned into Impeachment 1.
… [To read the full article, click here]

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