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The Jihad Against Jews Is a War Against the West

Amsterdam Police | Kenneth Baruch | Flickr

Andrew C. McCarthy
National Review, Nov. 8, 2024

“… such enclaves are crucibles of jihadism.”

There is a lesson to be drawn from Thursday night’s sharia-supremacist pogrom against Jews — not Zionists, Jews — in the Islamic Emirate of Amsterdam, formerly known as the capital of the Netherlands, the beating heart of transnational-progressive, multicultural, post-sovereign Europe. It’s a lesson I’ve been writing about here for over 20 years, but now is an opportune time for a refresher, with Donald Trump’s election as president having opened the possibility of a new American national-security footing.

This is not just a jihad against Jews. The war against Israel is the war of Jew-hatred in Europe. Russia’s war against Ukraine is materially supported by Iran, the jihadist maestro of the war against Israel. The Biden-Harris administration’s woeful failure of deterrence has ushered America’s principal geopolitical adversaries, China and Russia, into positions of influence in the Middle East; they see sharia supremacists, including but not limited to their partners in Tehran, as major assets in their anti-Western project.

The jihad against Jews is a war against the West.

The savage attacks in Amsterdam were blood-boiling but not surprising. Europe has been overrun by Muslim “migrants” from sharia-supremacist strongholds. The Netherlands, a country of about 17 million, estimates that only about 5 percent of the population is Muslim. But that population, centered in Holland’s major cities — Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague — punches way above its weight. No one really knows how robust it is. … [To read the full article, click here]


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