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The Deep State vs Donald Trump Saga is Not Over

Donald Trump (29496131773).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Roger Kimball

The Spectator, Dec. 20, 2022


“… there was never going to be a ground zero. The point was not to “achieve closure.” It certainly wasn’t to uncover the truth.”


As I have said before, I hope that the new Congress, which begins its session in just a couple of weeks, will continue the work of the January 6 Committee, minus Liz Cheney and the other kangaroos. The New York Times, in its best slant-the-news-while-appearing-magisterial modality, described the Committee’s 100-plus-page “Executive Summary” as a “report into the effort to overturn the 2020 election.” But surely the far greater attempt to impact the 2020 election was the FBI’s infiltration of Twitter  and other social media platforms, Mark Zuckerberg’s half a billion dollars distributed like alms to NeverTrump sororities in battleground cities, etc., etc.

All that should be the work of the new Congress. The old Congress wasn’t interested in the truth. They were interested reminding us plebs who is in charge — hint, it is not “We the People” — and, above all, they were committed, as Lonesome Liz Cheney herself put it, to “making sure that Donald Trump never gets near the Oval Office again.”

Someday, when all the smoke clears, future historians will be busy investigating how it was that a flamboyant real estate developer called Donald Trump went from being the most improbable presidential candidate since Andrew Jackson (or, maybe, since the founding of the republic) to being the most investigated and calumniated president in history.

The entire bureaucratic machinery of the state was surreptitiously mobilized against this one individual. It is only gradually that we are learning about this. Remember the Russia Collusion Delusion? The country spent tens of millions of dollars conducting a sham investigation that hobbled Trump during his first term.

The great comedy was that the entire charade was the work of state actors that, in various capacities, had actually fabricated the whole story. Hillary Clinton’s team had the idea, paid for the bogus “research,” while willing stooges in the media and intelligence services eagerly embraced the narrative.

As the investigations went on and one dirty actor after the next was exposed, jettisoned, then rewarded with a position at some left-wing media outlet, we thought we were slowly peeling back the onion and that, eventually, we would get to ground zero, the truth about the greatest assault on what Nancy Pelosi taught us to denominate “our democracy” in history. …SOURCE

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