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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


America’s Electrifying Counter-Revolution

Stand with Palestine event - Wikipedia

Melanie Phillips
JNS, Nov. 14, 2024

“Evidence that the post-match attacks were part of the broader Islamic war against Jews and the West was provided the following day when the same pro-Hamas mobs attacked the Amsterdam police, who had belatedly banned the continuing hate fest.”
America is attempting to clean up its house. Europeans are burning theirs down.
Within hours of his re-election as president of the United States, Donald Trump started the process of rolling back the influence of the left on American society.
In a series of uncompromising statements, Trump announced that he would reclaim the universities from “Marxist maniacs,” deport Hamas sympathizers and haters of America, and tear up the entire “climate change” agenda.

His picks for government positions have been no less uncompromising. One after another, his senior appointments have been of people who take absolutely no prisoners in their support for Israel, in their attachment to core Western values, including biblical faith, and in their commitment to uphold and defend America’s interests at home and abroad.

It’s an electrifying turnaround following four years of America’s defeatism, self-destruction and dumping on its allies. Israel is daring to wonder if, at long last, it might be allowed to win its war of survival and if, even more amazingly, an elusive peace might actually be brought to the whole region.

Others are more cautious, viewing Trump as the ultimate loose cannon and observing uneasily that a couple of his administration picks have controversial and even obnoxious records. … [To read the full article, click here]

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